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I haven't posted here in almost a month. Back then I was going through the no contact phase with my friend who I'm crazy about. Well I was doing somewhat fine. Well my best friend comes back from Iraq and we go out. Well when I arrive at the club, the woman I have been avoiding is there with her man. It was obvious she was not into him at all. I tried to play it off and I think I did a decent job. I had a good time and all. I danced all night with some girl I met that night. But throughout the whole evening, the woman I am so crazy about is texting me telling me how cute I look and that she is jealous of the other girl. She said it killed her that she could not talk to me. (her bf is kind of the jealous type) Well she left for the night and I didn't think much of it. I've been training myself to put her outta sight, outta mind. Well the next night I end up going out with my friends and of course who do I get a message from? Yeap, her. She was asking where I was and if it was cool if she and her friend could join me. An hour later they show up and I had the time of my life with her. We laughed, danced, and talked. I ended up taking her home around 4 am. We talked for a while and she explained how she has been broken up with her man for a couple of weeks. She said that she went with him the night before because she was willing to work things out but she said that she just could not go through it. So apparently he is history. She said that she had been having confused feelings for me. She said that slowly but surely she has been liking me more than just a friend. But we never agreed to start seeing each other. First off, I have gone through tons of games with woman and I guess I have a hard time trusting. Especially when it seems so out of the blue. So we had a couple of good laughs, I kissed her hand and I said goodnight to her.


Well the next couple of week were like the happiest I've ever been in a long time. Seeing her almost everyday, she took me lunch to work. It was just great. Well this week, she has been distant and kind of cold. She says that nothing is wrong. I asked her if she regretted everything she told me that night and she said that she doesn't regret it and she doesn't take it back. I just don't get it. She won't tell me. Could it be that she is disappointed that I really haven't tried to take our relationship to another level as a couple? I really love her madly, but I don't want to rush too hardcore with her. I mean, I don't want to be her rebound. Does that make sense? I need words of wisdom. Should I push the relationship card or just ride it out and take my time?

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It seems she had time for a boyfriend and then now she is going after you.


This seems like rebound time !


I would avoid her like the plague.


Its nice that she wants you now but you don't need her games.


Just tell her you want to be friends. That should piss her off...

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