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Can ANYONE help me!


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HI I am a twenty one year old male, My girlfriend ( now EX ) has moved out of our house with out me having anything to say. We had a fight two nights before she left and we made up and decided that yelling does no good. We made a deal no more hurting emotionally and physically, she used to punch me in the face and knee in the family jewls. I worked till 9pm the next nite and when she picked me up she had the s***s BIG time, when i wanted to talk bout her day and if she was alright she snapped and yelled for the 15 minute drive home. I really tryed not to say much. The next nite same thing she picked me up and had the s***s still or even worse. I tryed to tell he that i needed to talk to her bout us or me seeing a profesonal. All I got was more yelling so i said good nite and went into bed. After about an hour she arrived in bed and i was asleep by this time. I woke up to yelling, she was saying that i wasnt paying her attention then she kneed me in the testicals again! I lost it got up and went to the lounge room she followed fists drawn and was ready to blue. Well at me she came so i grabbed her by her arms ( on the bicepts ) and put he rbum on the couch and from restraining her my index finger on either hand left a small bruse. As of that day it all went bad, she left and got her brother a police officer to approach me and her work friends are after me cause she told her boss that i was aggressive and violent with her, and the game of "chinese whispers" commenced. It got around that much that both of our parents heard that i "bash" her on a regular basis. I love this girl through the thick and thin and now she has gone and her family tryed to get a restraing order on me but was refused, court didnt beleive her lack of proof. Can anyone give me advise this girl is my best friend as well as my girlfriend and i wouldnt be doing as well in life as i am and she helped me through the toughest time in my life, I cant walk away, ADVISE PLEASE this is killing me!

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YOU STATE: "this girl is my best friend as well as my girlfriend and i wouldnt be doing as well in life as i am"


You have surely got to be kidding...or you are heavily intoxicated.


This girl punched you in the face and the testicles on a regular basis; continually yelled at you until you went to sleep...then was yelling at you and smashing your testicles as you awakened; the YOU are the one she wants to get a restraining order on.


You need help and you need help fast. You poor soul...first, you need to find a best friend who doesn't want to beat you to a pulp. Then you need to get a counsellor who can help you with your self esteem so you will see you deserve a girlfriend who doesn't yell and kick your testicles on a regular basis.


You need someone to help you understand what a friend is and what a good relationship is.


You also need a very fast car to drive far, far away from this lady. One day, she will kill you if you don't get away from her. She's nuts for her behavior and you're nuts for thinking she's your best friend.


YUK!!! Weird!!!

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First of all, you're too young to be living with someone anyway. Why would you want to be "playing house" at such a young age?


Secondly, a "best friend" does not kick you in the nuts, nor does she punch you in the face, nor does she yell and verbally abuse you like that, nor does she go running to her brother and the cops and talk bad about you to her parents. If what you've written is the honest to God's truth, you need this loser chick like you need a hole in the head. See you are young because you don't even know what real love is all about. Real love between two people does not include physical, emotional and verbal abuse.


You want nothing to do with this nutcase. Make arrangements so that she has all of her belongings (if there are any left there at your house). Have a neutral party deliver them to her. If there's a restraining order against you, you can't go anywhere near her (nor would you want to). Who knows what she's capable of accusing you of next. You need to stay the hell away from her. Get on with your life. Start loving yourself and realizing that you deserve better. She sounds like a total bitch. How can you love someone who acts so childish and nasty and mean and rude and hateful and hurtful and dishonestly?


If she tries to contact you, document it. Keep track of it. Maybe even talk to a lawyer and find out how you can protect yourself from this crazy bitch. Under no circumstances should you contact her or go within 1000 feet of her, don't go anywhere that she goes (clubs, malls, stores, coffee shops, etc).


Domestic violence is not just against women, by men....like yourself, there are many men out there who are abused and beaten and threatened and hurt by angry, controlling, manipulative women. It's more common than you think because most men are too ashamed to report it or admit to it.

HI I am a twenty one year old male, My girlfriend ( now EX ) has moved out of our house with out me having anything to say. We had a fight two nights before she left and we made up and decided that yelling does no good. We made a deal no more hurting emotionally and physically, she used to punch me in the face and knee in the family jewls. I worked till 9pm the next nite and when she picked me up she had the s***s BIG time, when i wanted to talk bout her day and if she was alright she snapped and yelled for the 15 minute drive home. I really tryed not to say much. The next nite same thing she picked me up and had the s***s still or even worse. I tryed to tell he that i needed to talk to her bout us or me seeing a profesonal. All I got was more yelling so i said good nite and went into bed. After about an hour she arrived in bed and i was asleep by this time. I woke up to yelling, she was saying that i wasnt paying her attention then she kneed me in the testicals again! I lost it got up and went to the lounge room she followed fists drawn and was ready to blue. Well at me she came so i grabbed her by her arms ( on the bicepts ) and put he rbum on the couch and from restraining her my index finger on either hand left a small bruse. As of that day it all went bad, she left and got her brother a police officer to approach me and her work friends are after me cause she told her boss that i was aggressive and violent with her, and the game of "chinese whispers" commenced. It got around that much that both of our parents heard that i "bash" her on a regular basis. I love this girl through the thick and thin and now she has gone and her family tryed to get a restraing order on me but was refused, court didnt beleive her lack of proof. Can anyone give me advise this girl is my best friend as well as my girlfriend and i wouldnt be doing as well in life as i am and she helped me through the toughest time in my life, I cant walk away, ADVISE PLEASE this is killing me!
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Please leave immediately. No matter what you think binds you to that living situation and that girl, the price you will pay in staying is far too high.


She's shown you what she's capable of. It can only get worse. Clearly she is very very troubled and it sounds like she's doing her best to create melodrama with herself in the middle. She tried to get a restraining order on you for heaven's sake! What's next -- an accusation of rape? The advice offered by Goomba is absolutely right -- get away, keep away, and document all attempts at contact that she makes. She's on the brink of a meltdown and if you're within reach you are certain to get scorched.


You cannot help her and despite what you said she is not your lifeline. Whatever help she has given you is completely overshadowed by her abusiveness.

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There is no reason for abuse and absolutely no hope in an abusive relationship. This girl's behavior is not well. You need to realize that a "friend" does not hit and yell. You may have disagreements - even get angry - but a true friend doesn't constantly yell at you and hit you. You can do so much better. HI I am a twenty one year old male, My girlfriend ( now EX ) has moved out of our house with out me having anything to say. We had a fight two nights before she left and we made up and decided that yelling does no good. We made a deal no more hurting emotionally and physically, she used to punch me in the face and knee in the family jewls. I worked till 9pm the next nite and when she picked me up she had the s***s BIG time, when i wanted to talk bout her day and if she was alright she snapped and yelled for the 15 minute drive home. I really tryed not to say much. The next nite same thing she picked me up and had the s***s still or even worse. I tryed to tell he that i needed to talk to her bout us or me seeing a profesonal. All I got was more yelling so i said good nite and went into bed. After about an hour she arrived in bed and i was asleep by this time. I woke up to yelling, she was saying that i wasnt paying her attention then she kneed me in the testicals again! I lost it got up and went to the lounge room she followed fists drawn and was ready to blue. Well at me she came so i grabbed her by her arms ( on the bicepts ) and put he rbum on the couch and from restraining her my index finger on either hand left a small bruse. As of that day it all went bad, she left and got her brother a police officer to approach me and her work friends are after me cause she told her boss that i was aggressive and violent with her, and the game of "chinese whispers" commenced. It got around that much that both of our parents heard that i "bash" her on a regular basis. I love this girl through the thick and thin and now she has gone and her family tryed to get a restraing order on me but was refused, court didnt beleive her lack of proof. Can anyone give me advise this girl is my best friend as well as my girlfriend and i wouldnt be doing as well in life as i am and she helped me through the toughest time in my life, I cant walk away, ADVISE PLEASE this is killing me!
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