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I think I told him...now what?

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I have been crazy about this friend of mine for months now. He was whining yesterday about the latest girl that wasn't interested. He says that he wants to be in a serious relationship and that he's ready for one, but just can't find the right girl.

On paper I am exactly what he is looking for and he is exactly what I am looking for, except we are just friends. I asked him why he wouldn't date me and he told me that I was too close to the inner circle of friends and that I was too controlling and those were issues he was trying to work out in himself adn didn't want to get involved with anyone who had the same sort of issue. He also mentioned that I reminded him of his best friend, a female, who is actually quite close to both of us and that he is uneasy with that. This friend of ours has been in a strongly committed relationship for the past several years.

BTW, me and this guy have been intimate on several occassions, however I am not sure how it effected our friendship. My insticts at this point tell me that I am wonderful and if he hasn't seen it by now, he won't and I need to let him go and just wish him the best of luck.

I need some sort of comment...anyone?:o

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In my opinion he is telling you in a nice way that he is not interested - I do not know all of the facts but going on what you say and as you said you have already been intimate, I am sure if he liked you that way he would let you know!


My advice ...... Back off and let him find you if he wants to!


Good luck honey :)

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thanks Lishy,

you're right and I think that I knew that all along, without my even telling him.however, I think that I needed to tell him, just to be rid of the what if's that always seem to hold me back. if he wanted me he would have let me know and I deserve someone to want me as much as I want them. :)

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You are so right! You did the right thing telling him - You always regret what you didnt do!


Back off and let him see how life is without you!


Let us know what happens I will be thinking of you!

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clobsy??? Now that is worse than Jerbear. :laugh:


Anyway, I backed off and she sent email yesterday; so we're talking. backing off sometimes works.

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you guys are great, thanks for the support. I think that at this rate I need to just let it be, I threw it out there and if he bites then good for him. if not then i hope that he is flattered and takes it as a compliment. :) and i will continue with eyes and ears open for other potencials

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