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can a marriage be reconciled after 3 years apart?

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Hi Everyone, I am new here.

My Partner of 2.5 years has been told by his estranged wife that she loves him and wants him back. Using the two children as trump cards. Just when he starts to be stable, she uses the kids as her weapon of choice, to re-establish his guilt.

He and I got together after they had separated and have moved state so he can be closer to the children, he has asked me to marry him and presented me with a ring (I'm not sure she knows this bit). She has suddenly changed to 'i want you back' after i finally met the kids and they weren't traumatised as she had been telling him they would be.


He can't see that she plays games, telling the kids things to repeat etc. He said he doesn't love her, but his fear of 'ruining' his kids is making him consider going back. They have tried to reconcile about 4 times in the last 3 years. Each time, i have let him go and he has come back.


Can a woman forgive and forget and get a marriage to work after 3 years of separation, with her husband setting up house with someone else, he omitted my existance for 2years, so she was deceived (the intention was to cause less hurt).


He actually said he thinks it probably wouldn't work, and i pointed out the possible damage to the kids if it went bellyup a 2nd time, they are doing quite well and have adjusted now.


Any advice? He won't go see a counsellor, or talk to anyone, has tried it and said he got no benefit.


look forward to some input



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