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Are A Lot of Young Guys Insecure Like This?

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This one guy really likes me, he has liked me for over a year, there is no questioning this. He is a very insecure guy though (he is 19, we are around the same age I'm a bit older) and enjoys saying and doing stuff to get attention and needs support from his friends, can't think much on his own at least at school. He knows I like him in return and we know each other's xanga addresses.


First for about 5 days at the beginning of the semester he flirted with a girl to make me get jealous, now over a month later he is trying to make me think he deals porn which he doesn't. My friend came in the one room at school and overheard a conversation with his friend where he didn't mention my name but it was about me saying how he wants to see me get all beside myself because he knows I like him, he said it gives him attention.


He has said in the past he likes it when people fight and stand up for what they believe in, I do this on my site depending on what he says and it seems to turn him on for some dumb reason. Anyway, is this the mentality of a lot of men this age even when they like a person? How long does this phase last?

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The guy is clearly trying to find some way to 'fit in' with ya, so...he's probably going over board, and as a result, scaring you to death. :laugh:


Though I'm insecure, I normally show my awkwardness by being too quiet and don't reveal much about my feelings...he seems to be doing the opposite. Most guys are different...unpredictable.

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