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hey what's up with this guy?


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This guy I have been talking to was acting so interested before. Now he acts as if I am bugging him, or he is going out of his comfort zone. I could be talking to him and it takes him a long time to reply. Sometimes he just ups and leaves conversations with me. This is all happening online I have never ment or spoke to this person ever in my life. But we have been friends online for close to a year now. Does this mean he is not interested? He has a girlfriend and he claims he likes me. How do I explain to him that I would like to be with him, without telling him to dump his gf?

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he is going out of his comfort zone.


There is your answer.. IMHO


He has a GF so asking him to be with him or asking him to dump her will NOT work..


He is stringing you along..


Let him be.. and go find a guy that is available

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His girlfriend probably comes into room and that is why he doesn't answer back or he shuts off his computer.


Considering you've not met him or talked to him other than online leaves alot up for fanasty of what you THINK he is really like. Online you can only get to know someone a certain way - The rest has to happen in real life. Face to face...


Do you even know if this guy is in the same City or Country as you?


I think he is liking you as a friend but that is it. He isn't going to dump his girlfriend.

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He has a girlfriend and he likes you? First of all, That's your first clue this guy is shady shady. Second fo all..who wants a relationship derrived out of breaking up someones present relationship? People need to guard their hearts while online or they end up letting emotions control their online life. You can fall hard for someone when all you've got is words and you're not around to see their shortcomings or how often those shortcomings come into play in their life. It may of been cute in the movies- but unless you're able to meet a guy online and then in real life soon after BEFORE a "love" or romantic bond is made you're setting up yourself to be hurt,let down,dissapointed...Drop him like he's hot.dont make things harder on yourself than they need to be!

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