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i dont know what is going on.

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hey im new, and i need advice.



there is a guy in my class ( who has a girlfriend) and for the last 3 weeks we have been playing flirtatious games. such as looking at each other in every class and some comments such as:



(him) " the games u play with matt are funny"


(me) " why are u jealous?"


(him) "no cause we are playing games too"


stupid comments like that. but it mostly just the constent eye conact.

finally i made a move, and it went like this.


(him) " so u you dont like matt anymore"


(me)" i have never liked matt"


(me) "but i can like you if u want"


(him) "if u like"


i just dont know what to do, i got 6 months of classes with him,and if this is all it is going to be then im going to get fed up.


so all i want to know is what am i suposed to do? and not to mention there is this other chick in my class, who only speaks to this guy and no one else.



so please help me i am going crazy.

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First of all how old are you...high school or college? Secondly, if you like the guy ask him out...it's the 21st century women can ask guys out too...just see if he would like to meet up for dinner or a movie..and see what happens.

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im 23, and its college...



im thinking of just leaving it, and move on! if he likes me, he will show me some how..



but thanks for your advice, who knows i might come back soon, i do have 6 months of classes with him.

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