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Girl communication

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I've liked this girl for couple of years now and she has been my friend for awhile. I told her around september i liked her and she told me she didn't feel the same around me but a few days later she starts to act different around me. Online she is more sexual and more open to like/love type conversation. Then when all my friends including her went to a theme park in october for halloween and i wasn't invited i got alittle upset and told her and she said sorry she didn't mean it. Then it happened again in december and i just got alittle upset again because i didn't know what was going on and she never told me she liked me or anything yet. Then i told her i didn't really life her cuz i felt like it was getting no where and she got all mad around me. She said she didn't have feelings and she said she said that a million times. I thought she was going to delete me because i thought she was mad at me and didn't like me at all. She use to act all rude around me. I thought she was my friend so i talked about other girls around me and all that friend stuff. She got so mad i felt then i just quieted down and stopped talking to her for alittlebit. She acted funny around me since september to like she would hide behind her hair, be really shy around me, would close her door when i am around, and other stuff. Until like last saturday i wrote a letter just completely telling her how i felt after everything that has happened. I told her i liked her a lot still and described how beautiful she looked. Then i told her sorry for everything i have did to make you mad. I am always the one saying sorry and repenting. She told me she liked me at the end and it was all up to me. I thought she wanted a relationship so i was happy because thats what i would have liked to. She started to act like normal again like i liked her before. One thing though is that she never talks to me but she said she likes me. She told me she would talk when she talks but its been a week already. She said she didn't want to be friends before but idk whats going on here. She says i spam her when i mail her or email her. She says i bother when i talk to her but she just wants to talk back to me only like she only wants to start conversations she said. I feel like i am losing my likes for her slowly but surely since she never wants to talk anymore like we use to. I tell her i love her and that and i do but i feel like this isn't getting anywhere. I thought she wanted a relationship but this feels like it is a friendship than a relationship. She doesn't really want to go out either. She also said her parents get mad when i am there but i think she is saying that because her parents aren't like that around me. She still acts the same like she likes me cuz she shows the same signs over and over. Idk if this is a relationship thats starting slow or just not one at all. I get confused sometimes about whats going on. She never really shows her love when she talks online once in awhile. I feel like this is ending up no where and i know she likes me more than a friend but she keeps me at a distance it feels like. I know she wouldn't take me on her trips with her friends for sure because she has never did it before except once before i told her i liked her in the first place. I like her still but all this distancing is killing me. Shes going to my school in september, i don't feel like anything is going to change any time soon either. Shes really sweet and nice but all this is killing me. Shes 18 and i am 19 and shes about to finish highschool and i am already in college.


what do u think i should do:(

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I think this is a very jouvenile relationship, on both parts. I don't think wasting time, waiting for a high school "girl" is going to do you any good. If she doesn't want to date you give it a rest! You sound a little obsessive, and she sounds like she likes the chase you give her. As you said, this isn't going anywhere, so why keep playing the game? Try to get into a more mature relationship with someone that truly "likes" you.

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yea, i am going to ask her what she thinks about the whole thing thats going on and thats that type thing. Cuz it has been bothering a lot lately. Going to find out if she wants a relationship or not cuz right now it doesn't feel like one at all.


more comments on it please :)

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I must agree with ROXYG to some extent. This does sound a little like a bit of a juvenile relationship. I would definately tell her that you need a DEFINATE decision, becuase is she is just going to pull you around as she needs, this is not helping you any. Find a girl in your college, even a freind will do, and start hanging out more with her. See what happens.


It sounds like the high school girl is just using you for the attention you give her. Find someone that will recipricate the attention.

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