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I'm not sure what it's like for non-Asian woman, but what I hate is the guys who have an Asian fetish. You know the ones I'm talking for. These are the guys who want to talk about Asian food, Asian countries, Asian books, Asian movies, etc. These fools know more about Asian culture than I do!! AAGGHHH, i can't stand them!! These idiots think I spend all my time trying to be Asian or something. It's easy to spot one. Here's some sure signs. If they say they went to Japan, China, Korea to teach English; if all their friends are Asian; if they wear shirts with Asian writings; and if you go to their house and they ask you to take off your shoes. AAGGHH!! i can't stress enough how much I hate thse guys.


This is the kind of guy who will go out with one Asian woman and hit on any Asian woman he meets. They have no sense of what they like. All they know is they like Asian woman. These guys are not selective. As long as your Asian that's all they want. EEECK!! The worst thing that always happens to me is that when some western fool meets me, they find it necessary to tell me they dated ( put any Asian Nationality here). Like I care or something???? Look I've dated western guys before, but I don't feel the need to tell a white guy that. Such idiots.


Another thing I hate is that Asian woman end up going out with some of ugliest white guys I've ever seen. Come on, even the white girls don't want them!! Look my Asian sistas, if are going to dating a white guy, go for the good-looking ones!!


Tina Kim, 1999. All rights Reserved.

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If you don't like the guys with an Asian fetish, stay away from them. Use your intuition in deciding the guys you are going to date. If you feel they have sought you out because you are Asian, simply stay away from them.


Many American men admire the beauty of Asians, others have the idea that Asian women are subserviant and will kiss their ass. Still others haven't had luck with finding quality American women and feel their chances are better with women who come from cultures where there is more consideration, respect, kindness, etc...or seemingly so.


There and a handful of reasons why American men would find Asian women attractive and desireable. It could even be a biological mandate. Amerasian children are usually very attractive so don't discount the primitive reproduction and natural selection process in all of this. I have personally observed that Amerasian females are extremely attractive in most cases. Don't ask me why.


I have never once seen an American man who went out of his way to do all this fake Asian stuff you are upset about so maybe they are wearing the shirts and taking their shoes off at home for your benefit. Set them straight from the start.


As far as Asian women dating ugly white guys, that is their choice. You have no right to dictate who others are going to date. You are only in charge of yourself. If you get upset about what other people like or dislike, you will go insane. Understand that these ugly guys may have other very nice qualities, such as personality, generosity, etc. that these women like. Also, men who are not attractive to you may be attractive to others.


I will also tell you that I have seen many more Asian women who are unattractive to me than those who are attractive. I have also seen some very beautiful Asian women who looked like they weighed 75 pounds. I wanted to buy them some food. However, that's their problem, not mine. I have no control over skinny or ugly Asian women and I'm not going to tell others not to date them.


Your Asian sistas should go for whatever men, American or otherwise, good looking or ugly, that they wish. They are certainly free to do so.


I promise to respect the copyright of your post and will not quote you without your permission. I noticed that your copyright is two years old...how many times have you used this post??? The current year is 2001. Is the Asian calendar different, perhaps?


Tony 2001 All Rights Reserved

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