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I think she is cheating

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Hi everyone


I've been with my girlfriend for well over 2 years now and I think she is cheating on me. Her ex boyfriend is still around and they keep talking to each other undercover with the secret text messages and so on. he flirts with her constantly and she refuse to put a stop to it by not saying anything, so he continues. Sometimes when i get her cell phone I look through it and i'm shock to see all these flirty messages she gets from other guys and I have warned about it. She has messages about guys coming over and staying the night in a joking way, but i dont find it funny. She seems not to listen; and in my opinion she likes the attention she is getting from it. She says she loves me, which I do believe; but i find myself goin through an emotional rollercoaster and I just wanna let her go, cuz it killin me.


Pls advice.

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Let her go. She's not yet ready for a long term committed relationship with you if she isn't able to assertively tell these other guys to back off. That she enjoys flirting tells me she has not matured to the point where she can truly participate in a relationship with just one person.


She will likely promise to change when you announce to her you don't want her around anymore. Don't count on her capacity to make such a change. She doesn't even seem to make much of an effort to keep her flirtations inconspicuous.

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