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He cheated on me with my best friend

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My boyfriend of over a year cheated on me with my best friend of 14 years. What the hell were they thinking? I lost lots of relationships over the whole thing and I hate it. I hate both of them to a certain extent yet love them both at the same time even though her and I are no0 longer friends. I have no trust in them and hate them being togtether especially if I'm not around... what should I do? If he did it once... is he going to do it again?

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Uh, when someone cheats it's usually the biggest sign that the relationship isn't what its cracked up to be. Dump him, and find another best friend! Sometimes when the opportunity shows up for a good relationship between two people, those two people will do anything to reach that point. Just ignore and move on.

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My boyfriend of over a year cheated on me with my best friend of 14 years. What the hell were they thinking? I lost lots of relationships over the whole thing and I hate it. I hate both of them to a certain extent yet love them both at the same time even though her and I are no0 longer friends. I have no trust in them and hate them being togtether especially if I'm not around... what should I do? If he did it once... is he going to do it again?


WAIT, you are still with him? What the hell are you doing, evacuate NOW.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My boyfriend of over a year cheated on me with my best friend of 14 years. What the hell were they thinking? I lost lots of relationships over the whole thing and I hate it. I hate both of them to a certain extent yet love them both at the same time even though her and I are no0 longer friends. I have no trust in them and hate them being togtether especially if I'm not around... what should I do? If he did it once... is he going to do it again?

well my boyfriend cheated on me and i think that you should just get over him and get a new boyfriend dummp your old friend and show off a new boyfriend in frount of him love me

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My boyfriend of over a year cheated on me with my best friend of 14 years. What the hell were they thinking? I lost lots of relationships over the whole thing and I hate it. I hate both of them to a certain extent yet love them both at the same time even though her and I are no0 longer friends. I have no trust in them and hate them being togtether especially if I'm not around... what should I do? If he did it once... is he going to do it again?

just dump him he doesn't deserve u

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babe serously ..cheaters never change and thats the totally truth.. sorry hun i no it hurts but get away, go get your nails done or your hair done. cause i know when my bf cheated on me i felt really bad.. it gets better hun. x

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ANother vote for dumped them both. Neither respect you, or even like you that much if they are willing to do this


and it isn't just your best friend, boyfriend had his fair share in it. Dump them and get over them both

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First Forgive both your best friend and the guy who cheated on you. Next Get rid of the boyfriend. It would be nice if realistically everytime someone we loved did something vulgar and asnine we'd just be over them like bam zap but it doesn't work that way.You really don't have to convince yourself that it does..I'm not sure what good it does anyhow. Does that mean you stay with him? Well..do you have any self respect? THEN YES. Love isn't always enough and it can be hard and sad and dissapointing when things happen that what I just said becomes the case but you've just gotta buck up and learn how to handle it(without hating people- that makes things much harder) and before you know it this will all behind you.

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