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no excuse

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Don't feel bad it happens to everyone. I am a college professor and I thought I was an excellent judge of character. Boy was I wrong. I just ended a marriage of only 1 1/2 years and it cost me $300,000, new car and all the expensive jewerly I bought her during this short time. A person that lies permeates their entire character. I got played so welcome to the club but at least you did not marry her. I wish you luck.


Oh wow, not to threadjack but geeze. I always see your posts that say things about how the person is disrespecting the spouse etc, but I don't think I've ever read your full story. That's really terrible, Bryan.

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Thanks Mz. Pixie. I do not mean to hijack this thread. Actually this was the second time this has happened to me. I respected them but they did not respect me. I just don't get it so I must be an idiot. I think I will just be happy with my two female dogs. At least I know I can always count on them.


To Doublestandard:

I think your analysis is correct. Having to call people of the opposite sex at 3am all the time is just too bizarre. The fact that she iniatially lied to your face about it gives off huge red flags. She is 21 but acting like she is 16. The bottom line is that she is just too immature for you. It seems based on my experiences when you give everything to another person and open your heart they then inevitably take advantage of it and hurt and disrespect you. My advise is to find someone who sincerely appreciates you and is mature enough to understand the importance of trust, respect and honesty in a relationship. I wish you luck.

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.....yeah..she's been callin all day, as much as I love her there is just no excuse....none that's seemingly logical,what could be discussed at 3am except drugs or sex.....


Its hard but slowly I'm comin to see the light that no matter how much I love her she played me.....for a fool.


I sensed that a younger female would have possibly been a risk for this...but love can blind a man to the obvious at times.


Every female I've asked about this wouldn't even dare call another man at 3am if they were with another man...there's just no reason.


With all the tears she shed.......she was almost believeable.....almost.

But hell anyone can play a role.....my heart is broken but not my spirit.....I'll be damned if I let this get the best of me....


I don't doubt she appreciated me.....but she didn't love me enough to respect our relationship and not let another enter it.......

Each time she calls...I call on the strength to not answer.....the sound of her voice sometimes can be enough to weaken me....I'm not a weak man, just a man in love.........with the wrong woman.

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I don't mean to rant......I've had a few drinks and this isht is killin me.....I was so good to her...diamonds.....romantic getaways to reno, 5 star hotels w/ fireplaces in the room....roses and champagne.....incense wine and candles....passion.....watching the sun go down @ the beach...cuddling while listening to the rain fall.....


I can only guess she was a wild one from the start....or I just wasn't enough, or she was an attention whore....love blinded me.....


I feel like such a fool........


She called again..thank god for the ignore button on cellphones....


She'll probably just go f*** whoever comes along....a year damn near of my life wasted....why can't I let go



Time...it takes time......I'm tryin



Time for another martini

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Sal Paradise

I think you're pretty good all things considered.


I applaud you for pulling the plug on this relationship. Better to end it now than to have it all blow up in your face down the road. When she could of really ruined your life.


Yes its a year wasted but look on the brightside....it could of been far, far worse. Just look around and you'll see some stories that will make you feel pretty good about yourself and your situation.



You will be stronger because of this experience.

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I echo Sal's comments and offer a hearty congrats -- you have your pride, you defended it rationally and you are not going to be one of the many chumps out there. If you'd let the BS continue, she would start doing worse just because she couldn't respect you anymore.

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Tell you how it is

It amazes me how far guys will go to justify their girlfriend's action. I think the dead giveaway that she's not interested in/cheating on you is the fact that she said she was going to bed and calling the other guy. You know, and every guy in here knows, that single guys love it when girls in a relationship gives their new "friend" all of the attention. You're probably nodding your head and agreeing with that last sentence are you? Don't give her/him the satisfaction of knowing that they're doing something they shouldn't behind your back.


Jealousy is a powerful motivator that makes people do stupid things, like you giving your girl a chance to justify herself. If she really did care for you, she should drop the whole thing for the other guy. Your jealousy (you not recieving any attention) is making you want her more. As soon as you realize this, you'll know what to do.......dump her.


Don't be a sucker.

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