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Hey all I have a problem. It hurts alot


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Hi well my name is Mandy. I have a problem. I like both men and females. And there is this girl I like a lot but I don't know how to tell her. But my friends don't know my secret. And it hurts keeping it bottoled up inside. I really could use some advice in what I should do. It hurts a lot please help.


Should I tell her or not?


How should I tell her?


What would my friends say?


Help me.



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1. Should I tell her or not?


If she is gay or bisexual, there is no problem. If she is heterosexual, telling her could cause some problems you really don't want to deal with. If she is straight, stay away from her or get rid of these feelings you have for her.


2. How should I tell her?


If she is gay or bisexual, just tell her straight out. If she is heterosexual, don't even touch the subject.


3. What would my friends say?


If your friends know you are bisexual, they are likely to be happy for you. If they don't, they are likely to react in all sorts of ways from confusion to running as fast as they can.


You might want to talk to someone in a gay women's organization to get personal information how exactly how to deal with these kinds of situations. You really don't want to go out into the world professing your feelings to a lot of women before you have some orientation on how to determine whether or not they would be receptive.

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