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How do I get her to choose?


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Simply put - My ex is trying to decide between 2 people, me and her recent ex. How can I get her to decide on me? She is in limbo right now, going back and forth. She was interested more in me last week talking about us getting back together now she is playing on her recent ex's side cause he is threatening to move out of state since she doesnt want him anymore. So they are hanging out again cause seems she doesnt want him to leave even though she ended it.


I asked her what the deal was last night and she says she needs time to think.


What can I do to get her to choose me? Should I still talk to her like I have been which is on friendly terms? Be more distant? Cut her off till she decides?


What should I do to get her to lean more toward me?

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As it has been already said...she has you as a back up plan. Do you really want to be second best? She has you wrapped around her finger and you are disrespecting yourself by letting her have you in this way. She isna't worth the drama!

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Simply put - My ex is trying to decide between 2 people, m.. blah, blah blah, she's playin games with both of us...cause we're doormats...


simply put... Please reread your post, place your left hand down your pants and try to feel for testicles. Are they there?

C'mon man... never, ever, never, never, never allow someone to choose between you and another... she already isn't worth it.


But heres a hint... cut her off... immediately... and do your very best to enjoy yourself... have some fun... but don't acknowledge her or beg for her. Then maybe you'll have a shot at her down the road.

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dr strangelove



I see everyone is quick to judge the situation. You really have answered the question yourself. She seems ed to have more interest in the ex when he went away. Hence my advice would be to back off, and see if she comes to you.


Sometimes its not about wrapping someone around your finger, its about who is right for me? Sometimes people base that on feelings other times they base it on other factors...

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