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My b/f of a year fixes phones for a living. We are exclusive and i have met his family and friends just to give you background info. In his call log such as received, dialed, and missed are numbers without names attached to them. I asked him why does he have this and he said its for work like to call the houses and actually see if the phone is working and he said one number is his grandmother and because he doesnt speak to her much, he never saved it. I never thought much about it until recently and started looking at his phone without him knowing. I actually copied down one missed call which was a cell and when i called it, it was a girl. I'm concerned other numbers are like this and arent just for work. Should I become suspicious of this behavior or not jump to conclusions because its not enough evidence to suggest he is cheating? I even copied down another and it turned out to be a guy and some other numbers, noone is picking so i do not yet know if its a guy or girl. His actions haven't changed towards me such as seeing me on the weekends or talking a few times a day. Should I trust that he isn't doing anything wrong or continue to look at his phone which isn't trusting to see who he is calling or receiving calls from. Need advice Asap. Thanks.

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I don't know much about the phone company and I might be wrong, but I was thinking that when they checked peoples phone numbers etc it was done on a work phone they have for their company not their personal cell phone. Is that what you're meaning, you saw numbers in his personal cell phone?


If he hasn't changed towards you in any way, or you don't see any other signs that may indicate him cheating I would lay low with things. Things seem to be adding up right now. However if you notice any other things then you might need to be wondering.






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Yeah I dunno about the useing the cell for work thing..If he works for a major land line phone companey.. I belive they have them huge uguly phones that look like a cell from 1920 LoL.. That hangs from there belt.. That they use to check the lines.. Sorry to say I think he MIGHT be giveng you the run around on that one..And also some thing else you said seams odd why.. Was it a cell phone you called back?? And not a reg land line if he was useing it for work.. The easyest way of findig out one way or another..To give your self peace of mind.. Is call the companey he works for and ask if they might use there private cells to check the lines..On the other hand if it's a cell phone companey he works for.. Then yea they do use there private cells.. To check the service on other peoples lines some times..Hope it works out ok for ya..

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he says he doesnt use those big phones and those are used when on a pole fixing a wire etc. Please write back




We had a phone guy come out to fix our phone not long ago and he wanted to make sure it was working so he called on a big comapny phone he had attached to his work belt. Anyway, you could always keep an eye on those numbers, but you said he wasn't really acting strange or distant so sounds like all is ok right now. You could always call that company he works for and ask how they check numbers to let you know for sure if hes is telling you the truth about other peoples house phone numbers being in his cell, but to my knowledge they use those work phones. So if you find out through his company they do use those comapny phones then he told you a story about those numbers probably being for his work in his cell.






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Well, the only thing you should be worried about is if the SAME number is being called REPEATEDLY or if it is calling him. If there is just tons of DIFFERENT numbers on there, then chances are it's for his work. And 50% of those are probably going to be women picking up, so not a big deal.

A CB or walkie talkie is a "BIG BLACK THING" probably but you can't use those to call land lines.

And you can't use a "WORK PHONE" when on YOUR JOB YOU ARE MOSTLY OUTSIDE.


It's probably nothing, but just check if some of the numbers are called constantly on different days.



Anyways, I've had tons of people working from different companies and for utilities etc over at my home and all of them had cell phones on them and some used them to call the company etc.



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Well he seems like the type of guy like even if its required to use the company phone, he wouldn't listen. He can get away with a lot it seems like on his job. He is required to wear certain gear when on a pole for safety and he says he doesn't use that either. I never questioned those numbers since i have been with him until now, I don't know why. All of a sudden i just started thinking about it because it does seem a little weird and i dont want to be cheated on. He also says he updated his phone book constantly. For example, he said if he doesnt hear from someone for a very long time, he just deletes the number. What makes me a little secure is one number he dialed was a guy. But other numbers i am calling, there is no answer. One missed on his cell turned out to be some girl when i called and everytime i call, it just goes to v-mail. The other cell phone there is no answer. I really don't know if i should jump to conclusions or just leave it be and wait for other signs. We don't lIve very close to one another--about 45 minutes away so we have to place a lot of trust in each other because its not like we run into each other or live in the same area. Please write back. Would love some input.

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Well that it is another thing. I havent checked that often but it doesnt seem like the numbers are the same and being dialed constantly. I guess i will have to check to make sure. On the weekends when together, he doesnt get any strange calls and he leaves his cell phone out in the open and on loud.

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So basically you're just wondering if he might be cheating because you don't want to be cheated on? No one does, but unless he has given you a real indication that something fishy is going on then I would lay low and let it go for now.






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well those numbers make think something is going on, thats all.




I understand what you're saying. But it seems that what he is saying is checking out ok. Unless you see some other things going on, then chances are its probably not. As MrsHellFire said, unless you see a number in his cell that he is frequently calling or they are calling him alot then its probably nothing to worry about.






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