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Hard to get or hard to tell??

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First post.........My first ramble: I'm in college and I'm the classic guy who dates alot and has girls after him but when it comes to "her" (the one I can see as a girlfriend) I can't seem to get my stuff together. So theres a girl in my class and it's been about a month into the class and I met her around three weeks ago. She's in my group in class and is just beautiful:love:. Before I met her I would notice her looking at me alot. When I met her we got a long like crazy, I mean we laugh at the same things and seem to forget about people around us when were in a conversation. The first day I met her, after class, her and her friend went to eat with me and we were there for like an hour and a half just talking. The following class we hung out for a bit but my friend came in and killed it:mad:. So the next week it was valentines day and I had class with her so I decided to ask her out or at least try to. We talked we joked and I was convinced by the end of class that she would at least go eat lunch with me. When the class ended she said she had to go after I asked and that was that. The following class I played it cool and just talked to her and her friends for a second and left and told them to have a good weekend. Now over the weekend she Imed online and asked me what I was doing ect and I asked her to go out the following weekend with me and she agreed but told me she might be going away that weekend, than she made sure I had her number before signing off. I told her I would call her that night and did and left a message she got to me online to following day and told me she got the message and we talked some more. I next saw her in class and after class she waited for me like usual and me and her (along with her friend) went to hang out around school for a bit before leaving for the night. I'm a people person and with everyone around I was the guy telling jokes ect that night. When it was time to leave I told her id would call her and she smiled and agreed than left. The following class I overslept (I'm in college) and didn't go to class. This is the weird part.............that night I was at a bar with friends and after a couple of drinks saw she was online (they have cpu's set up) and instant messaged her (she was away) than I saw her away message had a inside joke we had the day before so I was happy to see that than I saw there was a Link that said "try really works". SO i go to this link and it's a love calculator and it says "try it" so I put her name and mine and press enter..............."HA HA GOT YA! THIS WILL BE SENT TO "HER NAME":sick:....wow...yea I know...So i tried to tell her online but she didn't respond at all because she was away, the following day I called her about going out and got the answering machine so I left the message "hey if you want to hang out this weekend call me back." Well here I am thinking away at this and I need anyone to give me some advice here. Usually I wouldn't even skip a step and never think twice but I really like this girl. I mean one second i cacth her looking at me in class or something and become convinced she's is into me than this $hi* happens..Do you guys think there a chance here? should I forget about it all together or play it cool and see what happens? I honestly don't know- Noman

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For a guy that claims "he gets a lot of girls chasing after him and gets a lot of dates" you sure seem to be up in arms over this one insignificant woman.

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hey sounds to me like she's a busy girl- as a lot going on in her life, think you need someone like her to keep you on your toes a bit lol!


Being honest though it does sound to me like she could be interested, i mean you have asked her out- kind of - and she hasnt said no, it just was a bad weekend to go out if she was going away. you could ask her when she is next free and if she would like to meet up, that way she can give you a date, time etc.


I wouldnt give up just yet. you have nothing to lose, so go for it!

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ok um i donno if i can really believe that your a real playa with all the girls after you with how wierd this entire story is happening


first off if you know when girls are chasing you, then isnt it obvious that you would know that she is interested in you? i mean wow so she doesnt automatically respond to your "im" that sent her from a "bar" (ive never known a bar to have cpu's set up for customers to just go online and chat, closest thing to that is a cybercafe but hey i might just never seen one yet).


also she said she was busy the following weekend, so what day was it when you left her a message on the phone? also how long has it been since she hasnt responded? i mean seriously if its like 2-3 days thats no biggie, if its like a week, then yes she doesnt like you.


for someone who is very open and friendly, you seem to have no clue about dealing with the opposite sex.


but to answer your question: Yes she likes you, its f***ing obvious so stop acting so damn hesitant and stop trying to boost your ego here.

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