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Hi everyone! Well, just to make this short, there's this girl I like and last week she also confessed to me that she likes me as more than a friend. So now that we are aware of how we feel about each other, I just wanted to ask for advice on how to transition from friendship. The reason why we have remained friends yet is because she feels that she should get to know me better before anything else happens (her last relationship was really rushed). I know that I should be patient and respect whatever decision she makes, but anyone else have advice on how to transition and make it more comfortable for the both of us? Thank you

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Hi everyone! Well, just to make this short, there's this girl I like and last week she also confessed to me that she likes me as more than a friend. So now that we are aware of how we feel about each other, I just wanted to ask for advice on how to transition from friendship. The reason why we have remained friends yet is because she feels that she should get to know me better before anything else happens (her last relationship was really rushed). I know that I should be patient and respect whatever decision she makes, but anyone else have advice on how to transition and make it more comfortable for the both of us? Thank you


Since she already told you how she feels, but you didn't mention how you feel?


It sounds like you are not ready with the "should be patient and respect whatever decision"


The transition has already started.


There are a few posts on LS (loveshack) within Friends and Lovers that address this issue.

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Pull back, stop talking to her, after a couple weeks when you get the chance to talk to her, ASK HER OUT.


What weird logic are you going for? He said she didn't want to get things started offically because she feels she doesn't know him good enough yet. If he pulls back and doesn't talk to her, how on earth is that going to change? If he does this, his chances will greatly diminish. The only option he really has is to hang out with her and wait her out, let her get to know him, and so forth. It's not really that complicated.

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