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Should I worried about cheating or the excitement is gone?

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organic chemistry

Hoe do u judge if he's telling the truth?

I asked him if he had done anything wrong recently, and I asked him if he had another gf, my bf just joked about it. Saying that I was silly worrying about those.


He is a grad student. He is busy all the time. Right when I met him he was always busy with his projects. Recently his projects took away all of his time. He works 9am - 1am at lab 7 days a wk. I should believe in him that he's really working on projects with lab partners.


He still eats lunch and dinner with me. But it just feels like for the sake of eating, and he would watch tv during the meal. That's his only free time so he deserves some TV.


I used to sleep over at his place 2 times a week and we will have sex. Recently he complained about not sleeping too well squeezing 2 ppl on a twin mattress. So I haven't been to his place for a while. On last tuesday I asked him to pick me up after his work to go sleep at his place, hinting that we would have sex. He didn't have a set time when his work would be done. When he called me and I wasn't ready to leave yet. He just said fine and left. I was mad. I just asked if he could wait for 10 mins....he could not give me 10 mins:( And it's not just this incident, he hates me for being late. He wants me to be outside when his car pulls up. If not he gets mad. But it's cold in the winter. When I go to pick him up, I call him to come outside. It's just wrong to let someone stay outside.


Usually before he goes to sleep, he would AIM me says gd night. Later he will call me too when he is in his bed ready to sleep. Lately he didn't call anymore.


At the point I felt like something was wrong...A guy doesn't want sex...very fishy...And not calling me in his bedroom, Something was wrong.


And I realize we just don't talk anymore. We have been dating for 7 months. And the excitement is gone. He doesn't show much affection. About his past relationships, he told me he had been cheated on numerous times.


I felt really depressed for few days debating whether I should tell him my worries. Finally found a chance to talk about that today. We were making lunch and he tickled me like he always did. And he said he hadn't tickled me in a while. I asked him what were he doing these days. I asked him if he had done anything wrong. I asked him if he was seeing another girl. He didn't get defensive or annoyed or angry. He just said in a causal tone I was silly thinking about these. He said he didn't have enough time to sleep, he won't have time to cheat. He hugged me and kissed me.


But he doesn't seem to want to have sex anymore. The passion is gone. The excitement is gone, especially after I started feeling suspicious. We don't feel the same anymore.


Should I believe in his answer? But the passion is gone. We see each other very often but without spending quality time. I think that's the problem. But since he's so busy we don't have quality time together. Should I wait to see if things will change?

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