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Help me...she has left me confused!!


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I am 23 years old man...I was having a relationship for last two years with a girl who had come to Delhi for her graduation...she lived near my house...I could meet her daily without any hassles and we used to spend hours together...despite the fact that we did not have a dream start but our relationship slowly and steadily developed...and we fell in love...and whenever she went back to her home for vacations...we used to talk on phone almost daily...and then she left that place after she completed her graduation and now she is pursuing a career in fashion designing(thats what she really wanted to do)...and the night before she was leaving...she gave few indications like as she was'nt interested in continuing this realationship...she never talked to me like this before...


Before getting admission into F.designing, she visited Delhi few times but she just met me once and other times never called me even...she told me repeatedly that everything is same between us...she is disturbed because of her sister's illness...


She got admitted to the institute...somehow i got hold of...contact number of her institute and left a message for her...same evening i got a call from her...when i asked her contact no. & address...which she refused to give and talked to me very rudely...and told me that she will call me up when ever she'll be free...which I think she did but we could not get to talk and later she gave her contact no. to one of my friends...


After a week or so I called her up...this time she talked in a better way...I asked her to meet me...she said she is very busy and probably can't meet me this week...maybe later...its been almost six days since that and she never called up...


She has left me totally confused..whether she wants to continue or not...she has different excuses for whatever little I ask for...she says she can't call me easily as PCO is far away from the place where she is staying...I don't know whether her excuses are genuine or not...I don't know what to do...its really hurting....please advise...

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