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How Do I Get this Girl?!?!?!?!?


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Hello I met this girl in january through another girl and our relationship have grew.We have been talking about going out for weeks but her parents have her on "lock".She likes me I know this by how quiet she gets around me and the constant blushing...its just that she is soo uninteresting.Every time we talk there is an uncomfortable silence........and then she says "tell me something".I have told her most of my exciting stories but she has none to tell me.I dont know if she's shy or something but she is sooo mysterious.Is there any psychologist that could explain this for me???

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I was in this situation as well, she's very nervous man theres no two way about it, Im assuming you like her for her looks because it seems she doesnt talk much. Do you talk to her on the phone? I had this thing with a girl and to be honest it was geting rediculous how nervous she would get so without even thinking I asked her, very calmly, if she liked me and I told her I like her (sounds like high school I know) but bro it worked for the better, she said yes and there was no more tention almost like she was relieved. It worked for me might work for you.

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Stop talking to her, pull back, and the next time you talk to her, ASK HER OUT.


lol that seems to be your response to every post here.


but anyway, i bet she's just nervous around you and doesnt want to say something stupid to make you think less of her.

but in all situations with girls you plan on dating, let her do 70% of the talking you do the 30%. ask more questions! it shows youre interested in her. loosen her up by giving an honest compliment (nothing dull or related to her looks)...perhaps something shes' wearing or jewelry

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Hey I know that this subject was touched opon before but the answers wern't specific.What Questions exactly can I ask my 'girlfriend to be' to keep the 'relationship' open.Her days are always the same."ohh it was boring all i did was go to my classes and do my work nothing special".Asking how her day was is't working....Can any one hwlp me???

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