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Don't know what to think...

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Hi. My boyfriend and I have been together for more than 2 years now. He is an artist and frequents websites where he can post his drawings, etc which I think is great. But recently I looked at one of these sights and found his "page" where he displays his info, etc. From there I found his list of favourite art from other users including comments that he made to some of them. These comments include things like, "You are soooo pretty!!!" or "Hey, sweetheart! Visit my link and get deep inside my heart!!!" and other comments like that. There are many really and now I'm really distraught because I feel like he is kind of cheating especially because he doesn't say those things to me. I could count on one hand how many times he has said I am pretty. I feel really hurt but am also wondering if I have a right to be or is this just a stupid thing to feel hurt over. I don't know. And I want to tell him that I saw these things but don't know if that is a good idea either. It's one thing to look at porn because he is never going to meet those women but now these women are "real" and he could meet them potentially. Right??

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