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He is backing off again!


Honey just listen to me and back right off from him for now! No calls, no texts and no mails ... If you contact him you will feel so much worse! Take it from someone who knows. I wish someone had given me that advise when I went through that!


However hard it is NO CONTACT .... Drive your friends mad talking about it, post on here and rant and rave, but DO NOT contact him! He has to contact you first if you dont want to continue playing these silly kid games he seems to like so much!


Dont even send him one last text to say you wont be texting anymore!


Trust me on this one and just dont contact him!


How did things go last week? How come you spent the week together?

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It was weird, he just kept ringing me like 6 times a day to say he missed me and invited me round every night, we had fun. Then he's just started being weird today and yesterday.


He came round before after work to lend a dvd, so i asked him if something was wrong and he said- we spend too much time together and you are crowding me- but im thinking- what??? its him who invited me round.


Then tonight after he had left he rang me twice, once to ask if i had tried to ring him because his mobile had been turned off (i hadnt tried to ring him) and the second time to tell me he liked the dvd because it had jessica alba in it- how random!!:confused:

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Oh honey you need to drop it with him! He is playing serious games and you are too lovely to be playing em back!


Let him play by himself and you go nd find a guy who has a higher mentality than a 9 yr old!


Why do people do these things? He is a head fk babe and if you dont allow him to do this to you then he wont be able to


Keep me informed on what happens hon as I am very interested -



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Thanks lishy :) nice to know there are people out there who really understand what im going through. So what's happened with the guy you like? is he back from his holiday yet? mine just rang me, the 4th time today to say he'll call round and see me tonight but he wants to spend the rest of the week alone- its little things like that, that really upsets me.


Also i was just wondering, how do you pm someone? i was reading over the past posts and you mentioned pm- sorry i never understand these things, took me all this time to work out how the avator works and now i deleted it by accident.

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If you right click on the name above the avatar of the person you want to PM then you have an option to send a Private message - Click that and VOILA!


My FWB came back yesterday and he is online now! I have blocked him so he cannot see me online - It is hard as I really want to talk to him! YIKES! I need to stay strong and stay away from him as he does not do me any good! I need to stop making do and just do without until the right man comes along for me! And he will one day!


Snailz if I could give you some advise I would call your guy and cancel tonight with not much explaination and get HIM on the run! Dont be so available and dont let him fit you in when it suits HIM! I know it wont be easy to do but you have to be a mystery to guys to get them thinking!

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