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HIV Positive Swinger

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What do you do if you know someone who is HIV positive but continues to have sex frequent and multiple partners.

The person says that its okay to have sex because their partners know the risk of having sex with multiple partners. Also, this person will only use protection if asked too.

Its creepy at one end you do not want to intrude in other people's life.

Also, how do you inform the partner(s) of a swinger of this danger?

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Hmmm. Since this involves putting others' lives in danger, isn't this illegal? I'm just asking because I think I've heard of a case where someone was convicted of something because of this type of behavior. But my mind is so full of holes. snort.

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Being HIV positive and having unprotected sex with someone that doesn't know they are HIV positive is Attempted Murder in the US today.


It is no different as far as the courts/law is concerned than shooting someone with a gun.. punishable with life in prison..

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I really wish I had their black book on hand. He goes to these raves that have optional swinging parties. I do not really know any specific person.

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the authorities say that there is nothing they can do unless they can find a partner who will report the sex act to the police

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Being HIV positive and having unprotected sex with someone that doesn't know they are HIV positive is Attempted Murder in the US today.


It is no different as far as the courts/law is concerned than shooting someone with a gun.. punishable with life in prison..



Couldn't agree more with you on that Art .

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same thing with the Health Dept. They can just list him as an HIV infected person, but can do nothing else in terms of preventing him from contiuning swings. He has a HIV counselor that makes him take his medicine and pratice sex. He just takes the medicine and tells the counselor to piss off.

He's angry and I guess he blames a swinger for getting him infected

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same thing with the Health Dept. They can just list him as an HIV infected person, but can do nothing else in terms of preventing him from contiuning swings. He has a HIV counselor that makes him take his medicine and pratice sex. He just takes the medicine and tells the counselor to piss off.

He's angry and I guess he blames a swinger for getting him infected


He blames a swinger for his getting infected . Noone's fault but his own for sleeping with mutiple partners and not taking precations !

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This guy is horrible. He will end up getting someone infected.


I guess your last resort might be to contact his friends, contact bar owners of the places he visits, and let them know the score. The more people who know what kind of danger he represents the better. Be forwarned: I think that this might in fact be something that could lead to a lawsuit so be sure that whoever you tell can keep it under raps, or at least not let it get traced back to you. But something has to be done. I find it shocking that the police or authorities can't get involved.

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What do you do if you know someone who is HIV positive but continues to have sex frequent and multiple partners.
Follow him/her until they're alone, and off the B or SOB......just don't get any blood on ya.....


Joking.....but ideally, that's the only way to stop them for sure.....

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Also, this person will only use protection if asked too.


Which begs the question you have to ask yourself - If these people are willing & stupid enough to have unprotected sex with a stranger then who are you to warn them of the dangers? Surely they know those already?


There is a twisted logic to this statement:


......its okay to have sex because their partners know the risk of having sex with multiple partners.


I'm not saying for one moment that what he is doing is right, but consenting adults can & should take responsibility for their own behaviour.


On the other hand, if you knew for certain that he was HIV+ & in a steady relationship with someone who didn't know his status & you knew that they were having unprotected sex... that would be a different situation.


Also, how do you inform the partner(s) of a swinger of this danger?


Unless you go along to one of these parties & make a public announcement I don't' see how you can. I suppose you could send an anonymous message?

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Are you insane?! Thats as stupid as someone saying, well i knew the brakelines in the car arent working, but they knew theres a risk whenever they get in a car.


What this guy is doing is the same as premeditated murder. How many people do you think would sleep with him if he said, ya i have HIV. Probably none.

He is a piece of **** who is potentially ruining the lives of 100's of people.


Tell the authorities immediately.

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No, not insane. But I am an adult who would practise safe sex with a new partner until I knew their status. And I would most certainly be practising safe sex if I attended swinging parties & was having sex with different people on a regualr basis! If the people who are sleeping with this guy are stupid enough not to, well then, sad as it may be, that is their decision to make. They are taking a risk with their lives that they are, stupid or not, allowed to take.


He knows what he should be doing & so do they.


Did you even read her posts? She said that she had gone to the authorities - police & health department.

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