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Real Success

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This has been a preoccupation of mine for the past couple of months, but something I want to share since many of you have touched upon this subject of Success.


To cut a very very long story short :


Success is seems to be more about how others perceive you


Success is also relative. However, the smart people amongst you will say forget about what other people think, success if relative to yourself and is more a state of mind.


Therefore, if it is relative to yourself, you will NEVER be successful because whatever you achieve becomes the nrom/point of orgin from which to improve i.e there is always a higher level to obtain.


Conclusion : Success is unobtainable and the closet we can come to this is that becoming is superior to being

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YOU WRITE: "Success is seems to be more about how others perceive you"




Depending on how others perceive you or feel about you to be successful is nuts. Life is way too short. Success is being happy and contented with where we are in life, with what we have and with what we are doing. If we are picking up garbage and happy, that is true success. If we are chairman of a major corporation, stressed out in the rat race and never see our families, that's NOT success...although people would perceive it as so.


Elvis Presley was the KING and he was miserable and did himself in with drugs at age 42. There are examples of miserable people who appear "successful" now and throughout history.


You have to live with yourself 24 hours a day. When people think about you as either successful or not, their thoughts stay on you for ten to 30 seconds...yep, that's all. So you, who has to be with you all day long, are actually going to depend on someone's very brief thoughts for your success??? That's plain crazy.


Success is not what you do, who you are, etc. Success is how you feel about what you do and who you are. Success is the kindness and joy you bring to others. There are a lot of "successful" people buried in our cemetaries. Did they struggle to make money to buy big houses, make big payments on them and on cars, clothes, credit cards, etc...or did they work and live their own way to make themselves happy???


While we are here, while we are breathing and while blood is flowing through out bodies, we must make ourselves happy and to hell with what other people think. To depend on others opinions to determine our success is just plain morbidly insane. They will be buried right along with us.


You got the wrong idea, man!!! But it's not your fault. You were probably raised in a culture that dictates if you aren't wearing the right clothes, driving the right car and living in the right neighborhood...you ain't shxt.


People grow up with a lot of stupid ideas...only because they don't give things much thought. It's called blind acceptance.


I wish you all the happiness you can bring to yourself in life. And if you reject that, I wish you all the success you can buy or other people will grant you in their perceptions!!!

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