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Will he do it again?

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Hello all, I am new to this site and in need of advice, suggestions, anything....


Here's the story: Met a wonderful guy in December, started dating, he swept me off my feet, spent the holidays with him, he asked me to move in with him in January (to which I was going to in May), told me he loved me and four days later slept with a woman he has been friendly with over the internet while away on business. (I was also on the website. He was stupid enough to leave flirtatious comments on her page. This is what led me to the questions upon his arrival home last Monday. He was busted by Tuesday night.) I emailed her and she swears she knew nothing about me, feels horrible over everything and wants nothing to do with him. He says that he messed up his only shot at happiness, he knows that I am the one for him, he knew he should have gotten off that site when we met, cried, etc, etc.... His explanation: I was moving in and she was moving to Texas in the summer. It was going to be a one time "thing". He says he will spend the rest of his life making it up to me.....


Thoughts, comments, advice....anything.... I am so torn since I have feelings for him and want everything we discussed about for the future but, I am so unbelievably hurt, angry, and disgusted with him.



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I'm not sure what advice to offer, he seems to know what he did wrong, wether he is just playing you the fool or if he will do it again is not something I will be able to look into a crystal ball and find out. I think you know he has made a mistake and he told you he has made the mistake. Its really up to you, your in the drivers seat to see if you still want to try with him or if you feel it best to know him first a little bit better rather than jumping into a relationship.

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hi, dont mean to sound so harsh but once a cheat always a cheat if u forgive him he will think hes won and not saying he will do it again but the chances are quite high, if i were u i would cut all ties.


If he hadnt of been so thick and leave her messages and u read them u would never of known so he would of got away with it,i think all cheats should be castrated, well men anyway, ha ha ha.


But on a serious note i would let him go as he cant resect u, no matter anyones reason u should never play with anyones feelings i know that as i have cheated on my first b/f, when u cheat u dont really care about peoples feelings just ur own.


What ever u decide good luck and be careful. trust is hard to get back once lost.

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