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why am i jealous of his x

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Hi, i have been dating this guy for 2 years we have a child together he also has a child with his x, who they has been split up for 6 years, i recently found out he had slept with her a few months before me, he told me he hated her and never really fancied her so why did he have an affair with her for months, he tells me all the time he hates her he only has to talk to her as of there daughter, i want to know why he didnt tell me about this affair he had we her, i found out when i was pregnant with my daughter, since i have found out the relationship has gone down hill we argue about her, i feel like im second best i know deep down shes just a spitefull bitch, but my b/f has a child with her and has slept with her on and off several times since splitting up 6 years ago, she did the dirty on him years ago with his mate then they got back together then she did it again, they split for good, so why did they sleep together before me, i could maybe understand if it was a one night stand but it wasnt it was an affair behind her b/f's back, im worried that he might do the same to me, he said he never fancied her so why carry on seeing her.

Please help this isruinging my relationship/

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