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is he mad or something?

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i just wonder abt one of my exes. I dumped him abt 2 years ago because i found him cheated on me. After that he asked for second chance. Then i gave him , was hoping that he would change.But he always missing in action and didnt show any change in his attitude so i broke up with him and never contact him ever after.


Few months after solid NC , he came to me and asked me for second chance. I didnt respon. He texts me, called me, came to my place, showed in front of my flat ... but i said still the same thing " no ". Then we never had contact after that .


Last january he contacted again and asked me to be his gf , to give him trust and he promised that he would be true.. bla .. bla... full of BS.

I said, i will only be his friends and i said to him , i dont believe in him. So he missing again.


Last week,out of the blue he showed again! under my block.. he came after working hours and came to me. I was quite surprise. the same reason again.. asked me to give him chance and to trust him again. He said that he is serious with me and will treat me better than before.full of BS.


I still told him the same thing that i cant be with him. He called me many times, texted me hundred times , called to my mobile .... i didnt pick up. To day he didnt contact me. Good.


But i really wonder.... whats going in his head? should i move from my recent flat to new place? Is this guy mad or what? i really dunno. i dumped him many times why did he still come back again ?

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