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It just isn't the same anymore

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My ex came running back to me just over three weeks ago saying that she wanted to work things out between us. I told her I'd give it a shot if she would. Well lo and behold, I just got off the phone with and she says she just doesn't feel the same towards me. Just don't feel that romantic spark that we once had. She's still attracted to me physically and every other way, she's just frustrated that it isn't coming back. She's trying to force herself to feel that way, but it's not working. I told her that I understand, and that we should just go our separate ways once again. It sucks because we were both trying to make it work, but it just wasn't the right time for things to work between us. Who knows if ever again there will that spark. I told her we should still remain friends because we have fun together and genuinely enjoy one another's company, but that's all. I'm not too terribly upset about this. Granted, I'm disappointed, but that's more of a selfish reason than being disappointed with her. I think I handled the situation pretty well and know everything will work out just fine, regardless of the outcome. Any advice?

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you seem to be handling the situation very maturely, by not placing the blame on her or by beating yourself up over the fact she doesnt feel that spark. You're disapoinited b/c you "can't go home again" or rather, things won't return to the good times you shared with her, and thats OK. All good things must come to an end, and even though couples do get back together and stay happy, its not working in your case. End it now before feelings might get hurt even more. If you're not devastated by the idea and she's not feeling the spark, then chances are you guys just aren't meant to be. It's hard to let go, but once you do you'll feel a lot better.

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It's disappointing because she flat out told me how attracted she is to me, but just doesn't view me as anything more than a really good platonic friend right now. Who knows.:confused:

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