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Signs of cheating boyfriend

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after all of this you are back to the mark on his shirt? Why don't you get some therapy to deal with your jealousy?

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Wouldn't that bother anyone else if they saw something kind of suspicious on their significant other's collar/shirt?

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No Stress Lady
Wouldn't that bother anyone else if they saw something kind of suspicious on their significant other's collar/shirt?


I can't believe you're spending so much time and energy snooping into his phone and checking his flipping shirts - if you have good reason to believe he's cheating then dump him - if not, stop obsessing about it and get on with enjoying your relationship.


If your boyfriend ends up taking all the misery and grief of being falsely accused of being a cheater while he's with you then he may aswell just go ahead and cheat anyway, the end result's the same.

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