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More and more people get on my nerves

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I think it's good to be selective in who you are friends with...but try not to be so judgemental right off from the start. You'd be surprised at how many people who may have turned you off initially could end up being your dearest friends later on because they were just having a bad day when you met them.


As far as existing friends, usually we cast off friends when they cease to meet our needs...as harsh as that may sound, it's just a reality. When a friend no longer seems special in your life or no longer contributes in some fashion to your happiness or wellbeing, you do them a service by terminating the friendship.


Sometimes you can reconnect later on...sometimes they are just gone forever. But ending a friendship in no way diminishes the purpose of the friendship while it existed, the joy that it brought, or the lessons learned.


I also suggest you look in the mirror sometime. To have a good friend, you've got to be a good friend. Are you doing your part in the friendships you are terminating or are you using these friends for your own selfish ends?

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