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I am addicted to cough syrup

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Can someone please tell me that I'm not alone.


You sound like a teenager? Are you? You aren't alone, it is a common or should I say fairly common occurrance... I don't know what to say to help you except depending on the syrup i.e. codine, niquil(sp?)... what one is it... depending on which one, it can be alcohol or a combo of addictions.



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Actually no, you're not alone. I, myself have been taking Dxm for some time now.



Sorry, what is Dxm... and please, how does it control your life? Can you try to slowly stop yourself as in each day take less and less ..??



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I have heard of alcoholics substituting cough syrup for booze. In my opinion an addiction is an addicition, whether it be cough syrup, glue sniffing, sex, sleeping pills, gambling, booze or heroin. Talk to someone and see if you can get help. If you are talking more than what's recommended on the bottle you need help!

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People can get addicted to anything.


If you are addicted to cough syrup, you may need to talk to a doctor or a counselor at school about how to stop. You are obviously using it to cover up either physical or emotional pain. It's important to learn new coping skills so you may need help to do that.

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