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Age 43 - Never been in any kind of relationship

Worthless At Love

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Worthless At Love



I would like to say that as a Kinsey Scale 7, I've never had any relationship with anyone. As the totally worthless eldest son (and grandson) of a schizophrenic mother and maternal grandfather, I am probably morally and genetically unfit to ever have a relationship with anyone. Therefore to HELL with all other human beings in this world. There is nobody on this earth who would ever love me for who I am. The sick, mentally-ill bitch that created me should have gotten a late-term abortion and gotten rid of me over 43 1/2 years ago.

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Somehow I don't think any human being could ever be as hard on you as you seem to be on yourself.


Stop beating yourself up.


Besides, "relationships" aren't everything they're cracked up to be. Spare yourself the pain, grief and heartache and by yourself a pet. They are the only living creatures capable of loving unconditionally...and will never judge you, nor give three sh**ts about how screwed up your mother was...

Hi, I would like to say that as a Kinsey Scale 7, I've never had any relationship with anyone. As the totally worthless eldest son (and grandson) of a schizophrenic mother and maternal grandfather, I am probably morally and genetically unfit to ever have a relationship with anyone. Therefore to HELL with all other human beings in this world. There is nobody on this earth who would ever love me for who I am. The sick, mentally-ill bitch that created me should have gotten a late-term abortion and gotten rid of me over 43 1/2 years ago.
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Well, I would love to be invited to your pity party so I can pout along with you.


You have a case of arrested development. You are stuck in the past and your self esteem is sub zero.


You've only got one life to live. I suggest you stop blaming your mother and everyone else for your woes and get your life in order.


Relationships are wonderful with the right people and good friendships can add a whole new dimension of joy to your life. With your attitude, I doubt a mutt from the pound scheduled to be put to sleep would want to be around you.


Go take a Dale Carnegie course and change the way you feel about the world. I'd hate to see you go through the best years of your life with an attitude like you have.

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Grow up! Sure you have a lot of reasons to be screwed up, but humans have free will. You yourself choose what you make with your life. The easy way is to blame your parents and circumstance and go on pitying yourself, easy but unhappy! Or you can start taking responsibility for your life, hard in the beginning but worthwhile!


Go for counseling, get your act togehter and get on with life, for gods sake. Right now you still let your mother live and rule your life, its high time to start living your own!

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