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I have known this girl for a little while and lately she have been giving small but definite psychological signs that she is interested in me and she seemed to be interested in what ever I did. and just in last 2 days she has been ignorant of lot of my attentions


I'm quite sure that I haven't done anything wrong around her


maybe I became a little boring


what's this all about?

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How old is she? I'm willing to bet 19 or under. Aaah what's happened? Well, you showed definate interest in her and then the thrill of the chase went south- don't waste time even thinking about it; the fact is there's no point for either men or women to try and make a go around of people who are adrenaline relationship junkies- they are there for the games not the prize.

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i have a short ? my best friend is engaged to this really nice girl. at this time she is in college and he supposbily takes night classed for jsut an hour at night. Well this is whats going on... they are really great friends... i havnt talked to her ever until a about a few weeks ago when he started bringing her arround. well she plays basket abll i've gone to a few of the games with my friend.. and now we all 3 occassioanly go ot to eat. well most of the time when we eat she pays more attention to me than she does him. and when we play cards she always wants to sit next to me. well she does talk to me a lot and treats me really nice. we talk over the interte alot when he is in class. well lately he has not even been going to callss he has not even had a job in over 6 months. all he does is sit around and do nothing.

well lately she tells him that he needs to be like me and get a job but at this time he states that he does not want a job. last week he went to cincinatti to see his mom, and he wanted me to go so i went, then she said to me who will she have to talk to if i go with him. sometimes io feel that she likes me ,,but then i think that they are engaged .. but alot of the times when i go over to see them or even when we go to eat bowling etc they bicker alot..... he constantly pcks at her.... but anyway does it sound like htat she likes me !!!! please answer back

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Don't quote me on this, but this same this has happened to me in the past. In college, this girl started paying more and more attention to me and everything I did. She started parking by me, sitting by me, asking me more and more personal questions. Then just one day out of the blue, nothing. She had no interest in me whatsoever. I figured that now that I showed interest, I was no longer a catch in her eyes. I backed off a few days, didn't really talk to her other than a hi or hey on the way by to my seat. If she was sitting down, I made sure to sit somewhere she could see me, but definately away. After about two weeks of little to no attention, she came up and started the whole thing over again.


Give her a little space, start talking to a few different girls, drum up some jealousy, and see what happens.

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girls are strange... them and their seventeen magazine. you know those magazine teaches girls how to manipulate men? "10 ways to manipulate your boy"

1) ignore all his calls for a day, then proceed by saying hi the next day

2) touch him once in a while to keep him on the hook

3) flick ur hair once in a while when you are near him

4) ignore him again for a day after 3 days

5) you are driving him nuts now, now reel in the fish by saying hi and ask if he's free on friday night

6) friday night, stand him up and say you have to help your parents, then go clubbing with your girlfriends

7) call him once then NC for few days.....

8) ......


10) you win!

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