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2 tiny Questions

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Just need a tiny bit of advice... Is it ok to ask someone out over the phone that you usually don't talk with? I've heard its cowardly like with asking someone out via email (IM, etc) but I can't really see her in person for awhile. I've talked to her face to face before(not regularly) so she knows I'm not afraid. Also if the above is alright, then is it ok to call her up even though she never gave me her phone number? And if it helps, I'm nearly positive she likes me.

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Just need a tiny bit of advice... Is it ok to ask someone out over the phone that you usually don't talk with? I've heard its cowardly like with asking someone out via email (IM, etc) but I can't really see her in person for awhile. I've talked to her face to face before(not regularly) so she knows I'm not afraid. Also if the above is alright, then is it ok to call her up even though she never gave me her phone number? And if it helps, I'm nearly positive she likes me.


I think that it is ok. A couple of years ago I did that with a female that I barely ever had a chance to talk to in person. She agreed to go on a date, so it can't hurt to do it over the phone.


I would not do it via email or IM. Tis better to actually "talk" to them.


How did you get her # if she never gave it to you?

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That could go either way. She could look at you as being a psycho, but you said that you believe that she likes you.


Years ago, I was at a concert with a group of friends and some of their other friends. Well I started talking to this one female in particular. I never asked her out that night because I was shy. During the concert, I had dropped my phone on the floor and it was dark. So I asked someone to call my phone so that it would light up and I would be able to see it. Well, she volunteered to call it and I found my phone. The next day I looked on my recent incoming call list and her # was there and I called her up, we had a nice long conversation and went on a couple of dates.


I would say go for it. Good luck.

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She was pretty flattered and gave me her cellphone number. Said I should definitely call but said she had to go babysit. Should I take this as "call me on my cell while I'm baby sitting" or just to call anytime later?

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Did she say she had to babysit in response to when you asked her out?


You should typically look for a counter-offer, i.e. "let's go out on Thursday instead." But if you're younger she may not know she's supposed to do that.


When you say "school" is this high school or college?

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Highschool. And she was leaving to babysit when I called, but did not decline my offer. Just said to "definitely call me sometime" and gave me her cell #.

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Wait until next week, late next week to call her, as in Wednesday or Thursday. And don't think you're going to lose her if you wait too long (this is the way I used to think in HS). Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder. If she really like you, let her wonder what you're up to. It'll drive her crazy and drive up her interest level. For all she knows you're out with another girl tonight and tomorrow night.


Odds are she may call you between now and then. In which case, you're in the driver seat.

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Why wait untill the end of next week to call her? I personally hate playing games. True it could raise her interest level, but it could also turn her off as it has me. Don't play games. Call her when you feel like it and not when you think your suppose to.

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