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Life (again)

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When the world is spinning all around us and events overtake us so much so that it appears that everyone has lost their mind, how can we maintain our values and keep focused on what is important to us?


When the world is ill, who do we look to for help? Where are our friends? How can we solve the world's problems if we cannot solve our own?


Today, we are living in the information Revolution. An age where information is distributed on a scale never before possible.


" There are greedy upper-class capitalists who exploit the working class for personal profit. We are living in an age in whch the nuclear family, with its one working parent and its one parent staying at home to rasie the children, is becoming less common and feasible even as the clost of living rises. We live in an age of doubt, searching, rejection of traditional dogmatic religion, and science with no mystical experience."


Can our television-oriented, fast food, pop-culture society survive and can we maintain our reverence for life?


Your thoughts? The floor is open...

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YOU ASK: "Can our television-oriented, fast food, pop-culture society survive and can we maintain our reverence for life?"


If the green house effect and depletion of the ozone layer doesn't wipe us out, if a nuclear accident or global thermonuclear war doesn't wipe us out, if a comet or meteor doesn't strike the earth and create a nuclear winter and wipe us out like one did the dinosaurs 70 million years ago, if an enemy doesn't wipe us out with biological warfare such as releasing anthrax into the air, then you can count on the sun burning out in slightly less than three billion years.


Any way you look at it, we don't stand a chance.

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YOU ASK: "Can our television-oriented, fast food, pop-culture society survive and can we maintain our reverence for life?" If the green house effect and depletion of the ozone layer doesn't wipe us out, if a nuclear accident or global thermonuclear war doesn't wipe us out, if a comet or meteor doesn't strike the earth and create a nuclear winter and wipe us out like one did the dinosaurs 70 million years ago, if an enemy doesn't wipe us out with biological warfare such as releasing anthrax into the air, then you can count on the sun burning out in slightly less than three billion years. Any way you look at it, we don't stand a chance.
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Carpa deium..Sieze the day ..smell the flowers along the way..look for your blessings..as they appear in very small ways..Man/Woman have alot to be accountable for..hoping some day and praying until then..and living each day to the fullest...you never know whats around the corner, deal with the past, and let it go.. it's gone and can not be changed..learn from it.the future..steer you boat and don't let it float..make your mistakes and risk to live..

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