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people are naturally polygamous, aren't they?


who came up with all the mono crap that's creating so much suffering all over?? why?? what the hell's with this stupid standard of marriage, and loyalty, yada yada .......... who needs that?? just ##### & have kids. and keep love separate. love has nothing to do with sex whatsoever.

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1. "people are naturally polygamous, aren't they?"


Some people are, some aren't. During early stages of evolution, polygamy was probably more prevalent than it is now...and more natural, yes.


2. "who came up with all the mono crap that's creating so much suffering all over??"


Governments, basically, to put order into the social units and to give stability and organization to families when communal living gave way to a more individualistic approach to life.


3. "why??"


Answer is above.


4. "what the hell's with this stupid standard of marriage, and loyalty, yada yada .......... who needs that??


You need not get married if you care not to. But it would be nice if you would respect the majority of people who want to find romantic and spiritual union with one person and raise a family in a respectable and stable environment.

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I agree with what Tony said.


Sure you can have sex without love or there is love without sexual involvement (friends, parents, children ...), but there is a hell of a difference between loveless sex and having sex with someone you love and trust. Not only your body will be satiesfied but your mind and soul too.


Some people are by nature poligamous, some arent. If you are poligamous you might need a more open relationsship then what is considered the norm in our culture. I know couples who live that kind of life-style and are happy with it - myself I prefer the monogamous way. To put it bluntly, sex without love to me is like champagne without bubbles!


Try to be more open minded about other peoples ways, let everybody choose their own ways.

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Thought I would just add that I know of three couples, personally, who tried the "open relationship" thing. Two of the marriages ended in divorce and the third couple switched back to a monogomous relationship because, after a while, it wasn't working for them either. I don't know if our preference for a monogomous partner; jealousy and all that which comes with it; is something instilled in us by society...or if it derives from basic human emotions inherited at birth. Even in cultures where polygamy is the "norm" because of economic reasons, it is usually the man who has many wives and not the other way around.


Since I know of THREE couples who have all tried this, and failed, I can look at the odds and come to my own conclusion that polygamy isn't condusive to establishing loving, caring, long-term relationships. But I would love to challange my views and hear from even ONE couple who has managed to stay together through MANY years in a open relationship.


I just haven't seen it...


I agree with what Tony said. Sure you can have sex without love or there is love without sexual involvement (friends, parents, children ...), but there is a hell of a difference between loveless sex and having sex with someone you love and trust. Not only your body will be satiesfied but your mind and soul too. Some people are by nature poligamous, some arent. If you are poligamous you might need a more open relationsship then what is considered the norm in our culture. I know couples who live that kind of life-style and are happy with it - myself I prefer the monogamous way. To put it bluntly, sex without love to me is like champagne without bubbles! Try to be more open minded about other peoples ways, let everybody choose their own ways.
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people are whatever they want to be. no one really "came up" with this "mono crap" -- that's a choice YOU make. no one's FORCING you to stay with one person . . . make your own decision!!! so, what exactly will happen with all these kids then??

people are naturally polygamous, aren't they?


who came up with all the mono crap that's creating so much suffering all over?? why?? what the hell's with this stupid standard of marriage, and loyalty, yada yada .......... who needs that?? just ##### & have kids. and keep love separate. love has nothing to do with sex whatsoever.

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