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Friend goin' through divorce, says I'm a distraction... define?

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I moved this from another forum...

Long time friend... confessed her love for me and was suppose to get a divorce this time last year.... ended up going back to her husband. (cutting me off) Couple months back, we started talking again... turns out, nothing changed for her marriage and she decided to go through with a divorce. Started the process, moved back out again... Was talking to me just about everyday (long distance) before the 'move out' but has slowly distancing herself... (phonecalls everyday down to every two weeks) Says' she's keeping her distance because "I'm a distraction... and she doesn't want any distractions or influence's during her transition..." but also hinted' around about possibly moving closer to my area... What gives? Please define "distraction" in this case... Why am "I" the distraction but no one else? Other friends, coworkers...etc... just curious.

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If she has feelings for you, which it sounds like she does, and is also in the midst of a divorce, she needs to concentrate on that process, not someone else.


"Distraction" can be a good thing!

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