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Does "Anything less than yes means no" apply here...?

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Hmm. Well, I was chatting to this girl I'm interested in again today and we were talking about music and stuff...we both like indie music so I mentioned this indie club on Tuesday nights in London that I've always meant to go to but never got round to. She replied by saying that she's never really gone clubbing in London and also said that she'd go.


I didn't ask her there and then, but just as she was on her way home I said to her "Seeya. Oh yeah, by the way, if your ever bored on a Tuesday night gimme a call if you want to go to that place?"...expecting her to say "oh I don't have your number" and for me to then give to her but all I got was "Oh yeah, cool. Seeya". Hmm.


I'm wondering if the "anything less than a definite yes means a no" rule applies here. It could either be...


a) She isn't actually interested after all and I've misread things.

b) She's nervous about the fact that I'm such close friends with the guy she slept with a couple of months ago and is worried about causing friction since he tries to flirt with her...or that I'm not serious about her either.

c) She's got this long-distance boyfriend (who she gave me the impression she wasn't too happy with).

d) I wasn't obvious enough.


Do you think by saying what I said that I expressed enough interest? If so, I'll just leave it at that and wait for her.


Whaddya reckon guys? Give me some thoughts.

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By the way, by "wait for her", I don't mean sit and pine and desperately wait for her to reciprocate...I mean just leave her to bring it up again if she wants to do anything.

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You have to actually ask her out. You can't just throw out a statement like that. It showed a lack of confidence. You have to show some guts when you ask a woman out. It's the only way to find out whether she's interested. You have to say, "hey, let's go to dinner and then catch the show Tuesday night?" Then, the "anything but a definite yes, means no" rule applies.

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Hmm, I guess. To be honest she seemed confused a little cos I sort of said it to her after I'd walked past, just as she was walking off...and she had an earphone for her mp3 in. Haha. Maybe she didn't actually even hear me. :laugh:


Hmm. I know. I'm a pathetic wimp. I'm trying to cut corners I think. It just seems like such an awkward thing to do...asking someone out. Like I've said before, my last girlfriend happened to be out with me at a friend's birthday and she grabbed me and kissed me and after that we were together for nearly a year. Think I had it quite easy there so I've got it into my head that it should always be smooth and natural and effortless.


I always chicken out moments before I open my mouth and no words come out. It just feels like by saying something so forward as "will you come out with me and do such and such", that I'm offering myself up for their judgement and makes me feel quite vulnerable.


I guess that's why I find it easier to say half-arsed little 'statements' like I did tonight seconds before running off into the night. :o


So the bottom line is that I still haven't asked her out so there's no way of knowing?


Damn! :mad:

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