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In total dilemma!

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Hi everyone!!!


My boyfriend confessed to me a couple a days ago that he'd been actually talking to a girl he's been keeping a secret from me. He had denied that it was more than friendship. Now, he tells me that since we were having some problems in our relationship ( communication problems mostly) he needed someone to talk to. That was like a punch on the face!!!

He said he called her and ended whatever they had started. He wants to make things work between us and he says he loves me. I on the other hand can't get over the fact that he actually did what he did. I have decided to give it another shot, but I feel so pathetic for giving him another shot. Do you think this is something I should forgive and move on with? Love has no pride, but I have so much pride that right now I feel like I'm not respecting myself by going back into this relationship.

what do y'all think about this?? Is this something a woman just brushes off her shoulders and move on?? :confused:

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