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Signs he is interested.....CAN'T TELL IF HE WANTS ME....

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I haven't been on this forum in so long, but now I am back again hoping I could get alittle advice on men. There is a guy at my work that I noticed last week. He gave me a very warm, geniune smile and would stare at me it seemed like every chance he could get. I seen him again, he was working in my area, and he seemed very excited when I came around the corner to go past him. Geniune smile, very friendly, approachable. I haven't seen him for the past 2 days during work, and I know he is busy being in different parts of the company, so my question is, does he seem interested?


Another thing, the other day when we were slowly finishing up our work, he just got done sweeping and was standing in my view several feet away resting his head on the broom handle and looking in my direction. I gave him a very warm smile and had to proceed doing my work.


I don't understand if it sounds like he is interested, what is he waiting for as far as asking me out? I'd like to ask him, but my wording would become jumbled and I would be so nervous I would go run and hide somewhere if I said something stupid.


Whats to do? What moves or signals can I do to let him know HEY I'M INTERESTED IN YOU????



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Why don't you just start out with some small talk? Talk about some random nonsense and then ask him out. It doesn't matter if you mess up and say stupid things. If he likes you he'll be flattered. If he doesn't I think he'll still be flattered. Besides you'll feel relieved to get that over with and will be able to move on.


If you keep waiting for him it's likely nothing will happen and you'll just stress yourself.

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hm tough situation. it could either be-

A) friendly coworker flirting

B) im interested in you


so far you doing pretty well, but add to that by slight touches on the arm/shoulder (kino) when you're making an emphasis on something you're talking about, or if you're walking past him.


if he's interested, he'll ask you out...have patience. or if you lose it, then just invite him to an event u know that's going on...


dating co-workers is quite the tricky...do what you will but beware of the consequences.

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The type of workplace I work in is a factory job, so I am not too concerned about dating someone from there. I would be concerned if it was a job in my field, then I couldn't touch him. But I feel as if he is interested, now I am wondering if he quite that job because I haven't seen him. I don't work with him everyday, only 2 times so far. If he is working my area tomorrow, I will be making moves.

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Do you know if he is single


He could easily have a girlfriend/wife but is just flirting harmlessly with you. There are some men (and women) who do that.


If he is single go for it. Start of by talking to him

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