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Disrespectful or "Normal"?

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I hear you guys loud and clear regarding her needing help. She is a nurse and therefore is a "smart" gal. And yes, I suggested that she get in touch with a local battered-woman's shelter and perhaps talked to someone. Believe me, I tried, but you can't help a person who doesn't want to help themselves. So no, I didn't just cast her aside and leave her to the wind...


I care about her not only as a lover but simply as a person and will keep her in my prayers. Perhaps you good people will too?


Taking my down-time and taking care of myself- it's a full-time job right now!


Thanks again all!



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Hey all!


Just a little update for those that followed this thread...


After ending things with her, she proceeded to stalk me for the past couple weeks. All this, while living with her abusive ex! It seems she thought it would be a good idea to keep me as a b/f on the side? Hard telling, as I refuse any further communication... Due to my lack of response/reaction she has taken up trying to entice me to react via her blog. Wow!


Yep- "wow"... That's the only word I can come up with on this saga! I'm totally detached from her emotionally so it is almost surreal watching this grown woman act out like a child. It is almost comical, yet also very sad. I'm just glad I got out while the getting was good!


I laid low for a little bit and took a few deep breaths. *whew!* I met a nice gal last week and we have a date tomorow evening. We're going to share dating horror stories over dinner and a comedy show. One way or another I think we're gonna do some laughing!


Thanks again for all your input! I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.



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