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Conversation Starters, picking up women you feel attracted to

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I have been in a 4 yr relationship which came to a bad end, girl cheated on me, and so I'm pretty badly hurt. Anyways I haven't been dating for 4 years now and I never cheated or thought of cheating, nor did I flirt with other women.



I have been seeing some girls, and none of them I feel attracted to, I still give them a chance to get to know them, to figure out if we can "click" in some way.. but no. Its very easy for me to talk to these girls, and make them like me just by talking to them. I later let them know I'm not interested incase they ask.. whatever.



When I see an attractive girl, I just put too much importance to her, makes me think and screw up big time. Even if I'm okay at first and talk to them and I dont like their body language, I freak out & abort cuz I dont want to screw up or something (its wierd).


Thers actually this cashier that I see at walmart, I first bought some batteries from her and they broke, so I return them the next day, and guess whos doing exchanges? yes her, at that point I noticed that I am attracted to her and my weakness started kicking in, I was going to ask her for a coffee or something at that point but aborted,but I did talk to her somewhat, found out shes in Highschool and that she works evenings and weekeends, after that I felt too uncomfortable to ask her for her phone no, so i just said "Have a great day, bye". A week or so later I go back to walmart and buy some break fluid, this time I look to find her and go to her, and ask her this time for coffee again, I was going to say something along the lines that last time I was here she sold me some batteries, and that I forgot one thing to ask her if she would like to join me for a cup of cofee and have an interesting conversation.. but that back fired again. I was approaching the register, she gave me a nice smile which made me very confident, then finaly when it was my turn I told her "Ummm so how much of that money do you get to keep" as I handed her the cash and she answered "What do you mean?" and at that time I wasn't expecting this respone cuz it was more of a joke but I must have said it wrong and or she didn't get it, she also seemed kind of nervous, so it made my uncomfortable, and in my head again i was like "ABORT ABORT!" and I think I said something along the lines as "Ohhh I thought you get to keep some of the money from the register" but again she was too nervous I guess to respond and acted kind of shy.. uncomforable, as was I after that, so again I just said "have a good day" and left feeling stupid. Cuz I thougt for sure I would be able to say it this time. When she said "What do you mean?" I could have said "Well I'll explain it to you over a coffee.." but no. Can anyone analyze my problem deeper? Help me what to say? and what to think of ? thx.

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