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A lot more time should be deployed to look at how your staff treat customers


I was at QB's cafe Einstein last weeks with a friend. We were seated at the couch area. First of all we asked to be seated at the larger couch and your staff responded that the larger couches are not available for 2 people only (the place was DEAD for christ's sake, we were the only ones there) I asked if we could be seated there until there are other customer. A firm NO was given to me.


After a bit, we were relaxing and myfriend was sitting sideways on the couch with her legs over the armrest. The bitch A (assistant manager) came over and INSTRUCTED my friend to move her legs off the armrest, well as if anyone was there to notice. Her tone and manner was EXTREMELY RUDE and when I asked her why, she told me it's because "it's a restaurant". I can understand if she asked us politely but the way she INSTRUCTED US and took us as IDIOTS ("because this is a restaurant", what the ****, she thinks we would assume it's the Lavatory or something?!) was totally unacceptable. Well, we asked for the bill and left immediately as we didn't want to argue with the stupid bitch.


I hereby demand a formal apology from your assistant manager A to my friend and strongly suggest you fire the bitch, otherwise i will post what happened thoughtout different medias.


Btw, the way your staff treats their customers no wonder the place is so dead. Keep on face lifting the restaurant and changing names, it won't work.



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Dear Tom:


Please consider this a formal apology for the in appropriate behavior of our staff. Our entire staff has been terminated and we are in the process of hiring new people.


The next time you are in our establishment, you and your friends can sit on our furniture any way you wish. Standing upside down in the lobby is highly recommended.


During our period of change, we hope you will consider dining at the many fine restaurants in our area.



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