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Hi Im back with the sitch about the boot camp boyfriend that left after dating me for three yrs. He is coming home in a week and he wrote me a letter which said nothing about us or Im sorry. Just how he was doing , Then he called me and I hung up on him and I have not heard a word since. He comes home in a few days. And he has been gone for two months. So we have been broken up for that time. Its like I am going thru everything already again. I am a mess because I wonder what he wanted and why he waited till then to make any contact. I still miss him and I am still very hurt over us not being together. I feel like I will never calm down or get happy again. I know , I know. Everyone says I will but I really do love this guy still and I wish he would contact me again so I know what he wanted. Maybe then I can have some peace and closure. He never really explained why we broke up in the first place. Anybody have any input I would appreciate it.......

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I would say hanging up on him wasn't the smartest thing you could have done if you're needing information from him in order to get closure.


If somebody hung up on me, I'd never call them or talk to them until one million years after the end of the world.


It's over babe. Get over it and move on...real quick.

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If you really want to know, what he wanted, its now up to you to get into contact. You having hung up on him, he will sure not try to get into contact again. From his point of you, the message you sent out is: F... off. I dont want to hear from you!


So get your courage together and call him. That way you have at least a chance, to know what is really going on. You will need to know that anyway - be it for going on with your life on your own or be it for coming back together.


Loosing love is in a way like loosing someone to death, you need to come to terms, live through sadness and anger, before you can really go on with life. But sooner or later life will go on.

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