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Work on your confidence and self-esteem. That is the root of jealousy. If you are confident and have healthy self-esteem you won't have a reason to be jealous.


Insecurity is not sexy.

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I'm not a jealous person. I have high self-esteem . . . however . . . my ex use to go out of his way to make me jealous. He was obvious and very rude and disrepectful about it. He looked at and flirted with almost every woman that walked by. He would also make the comment, "I'd f**k her!" Nice, huh?


Did I get jealous? Yes, and rightfully so. Though I think I was more hurt out of his lack of respect for me than I was actually jealous.


Is the person your with deliberately trying to get a rise out of you? If yes, the problem lies with them. If no, then like CaliGuy said, work on your confidence and self-esteem and you should be able to control your jealousy.

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thanks alot for your replies, as Cali

Guy said, probably i need to work on my self esteem and confidence because my boyfriend doesn't really try to disrespect me.

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I'm not a jealous person. I have high self-esteem . . . however . . . my ex use to go out of his way to make me jealous. He was obvious and very rude and disrepectful about it. He looked at and flirted with almost every woman that walked by. He would also make the comment, "I'd f**k her!" Nice, huh?


Did I get jealous? Yes, and rightfully so. Though I think I was more hurt out of his lack of respect for me than I was actually jealous.


You shouldn't have gotten jealous, you should have been angry for his lack of respect. You should have dumped him as he was obviously a f-ing jerk!


Is the person your with deliberately trying to get a rise out of you? If yes, the problem lies with them. If no, then like CaliGuy said, work on your confidence and self-esteem and you should be able to control your jealousy.


In writing my reply, it did not occur to me that some people are jerks and try to purposely make you jealous. If someone did that to me I'd walk. There's no way I would accept that behavior.

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You shouldn't have gotten jealous, you should have been angry for his lack of respect. You should have dumped him as he was obviously a f-ing jerk!




In writing my reply, it did not occur to me that some people are jerks and try to purposely make you jealous. If someone did that to me I'd walk. There's no way I would accept that behavior.


Thanks, CaliGuy. Yeah, I think I was more angry and hurt and not so much jealous. And yes, he is a f-ing jerk. The reason it wouldn't occur to you that someone would do those sorts of things on purpose is because you're a good person. :) I thought I'd seen it all until I dated my ex.


Michiboo, it's great that you're with someone that doesn't purposely try to disrespect you. We're all too good for that. I wish you loads of success on overcoming jealousy. As Iago says in Shakespeare's Othello, "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on."

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