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We recently met a couple that are swingers. You would never know, they are your typical neighbor. Recently we were at a part, had a few to much to drink and the husband revealed their secret, and wanted to know if my huaband and I were interested.

My husband and I have been married for 14 years, and we are very stable, and happy. We both have mentioned and talked about this scenario, and now that it actually is a posibility, I wonder what to do! I think of my husband with another woman, and it does not bother me. I know he loves me, and this is just a sexual adventure. I also would love to have sex with another man, even a woman. I have never cheated on my husband, but would love the thought of having sex with another man. Does anyone have experience with this? Did it ever work out?

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You both really need to sit and talk about this. Weigh in all the good and all the bad. Set up rules/boundries too IF you both choose to follow through on this.


Some couples have no problems, others do however, and it can ruin your marriage.


Sorry, I'm not much help, but my suggestion is to just be very honest about everything you feel, don't hold back any fears or jealous feelings you might have. You may not know until you're IN the situation...Sometimes a fantasy is just left best as a fantasy.

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