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Where to find nice girls

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Hi all,


I just need some advice on where to find nice girls, besides at work. Sometimes it seems that balanced women are hard to find. I don't need a supermodel, or nobel prize winner, or a trillionnaire but just someone who's not too messed up.


It just that sometimes you hear women say that all the good men are taken. Sometimes I feel like all the good women are taken, so the trick must be in matching these two groups.


Care to share your secrets?

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i hear this a lot too from girls. they always complain about how they cannot find nice guys, but they always scam on some smooth talking , spiked up hair, mercedes driving punk. After these guys use the girl up, she gets tossed back out there and she goes for another same guy and complain.


the truth is... girls don't want nice guys. they like abusive jerks. its true! if u want a girl, start acting like a jerk and start abusing :D they like it.

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the truth is... girls don't want nice guys. they like abusive jerks. its true! if u want a girl, start acting like a jerk and start abusing :D they like it.


A-freakin-men! I totally agree... and it kinda sucks for the "nice guy."


It's really not so much that its the guy acting like a jerk, although often times its the case. It's the confidence thing... women seem to translate being jerk as being really confident. They interpret "nice" as the guy being a pushover, a.k.a. no challenge whatsoever.


I also have trouble in this department... I really don't know where to meet a good girl.... :\

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here's my secret:

since we are probably in school or something... just focus on that, get ur degree and pump $. Then go to foreign countries and get urself a nice/cute girl. Screw USA girls. FAT AS f***, UGLY as hell... oh ya and they are stuck up because they were taught the ways of being a bitch or feminazi.


i am currently chatting with some foreign girls and OMG, they are so hot compared to usa girls. hot/conservative/ and home quality.

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The REAL truth is that we ALL are NOT perfect and plenty of us are f***ed up in some way ;ie not perfect ~ so wanting a perfectly balanced female with a great personality and awesome job is like wanting a perfectly balanced male with a great personality and awesome job .....Reality Check !


Yes ,there are great girls out there and some are slighty imperfect ~to major messed up~ but the best unions are those of two *imperfect* people ( AND yes thats YOU ) .


You can't expect perfection because you are NOT perfect either...


And this crappyola about being a JERK is soooooooooo OFF BASE !


We DON'T want a jerk but we dont want a SOFT SAP either. We want a GOOD GUY who is GOOD to US !


I know thats hard to conceive that you dont really have to be a JERK but seriously I wont put up with that crap and neither will any of the female posters here....Just ask them !


Ask them if they want a loud mouthed, rude, insolent, arrogant pri**k.....they will tell you NO.


Ask them if they want a whiney, feminine, no back bone ,unopinionated, wimp and they will tell you NO


But ask them if they want a great guy who treats them awesome who is stable in employment and disposition and they will tell you YES !

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of course if you ask a girl straight up if they love jerks or softies, then they will say no. But the majority of girls out there does otherwise. Saying and doing are two different things and most people tend to say and not do what they say.


Obviously most girls do not want a prick, however, in real life, they date pricks cuz like what masaki said: girls like a guy who has a backbone. (and being a jerk is the only way to show it?) Smart playas who knows this and tune into the girl's wants and bingo, they got pussy faster than the average quiet dude.


If you say is true, then the many girls that i've overheard in class would not complain about the guys they meet as being jerks. Then again these are the chicks that has no manners and leave the cell phones ringing during class (attention whores).


"But ask them if they want a great guy who treats them awesome who is stable in employment and disposition and they will tell you YES !"

This is one of the reasons girls fall for jerks. Remember, the jerks know that girls are looking for this... so they drive nice cars and dress nice. They start out treating girls nicely, but act tuff... they drive maybe a lexus or bmw/mercedes... Girls love this.


I'm not exactly rich myself... but im much better off than those scammers and im very quiet and willing to dedicate much to a relationship. But seeing how USA girls are all feminazi, im scared.


As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick..."

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You can't expect perfection because you are NOT perfect either...


And this crappyola about being a JERK is soooooooooo OFF BASE !


We DON'T want a jerk but we dont want a SOFT SAP either. We want a GOOD GUY who is GOOD to US !


I know thats hard to conceive that you dont really have to be a JERK but seriously I wont put up with that crap and neither will any of the female posters here....Just ask them !


Ask them if they want a loud mouthed, rude, insolent, arrogant pri**k.....they will tell you NO.


Ask them if they want a whiney, feminine, no back bone ,unopinionated, wimp and they will tell you NO


But ask them if they want a great guy who treats them awesome who is stable in employment and disposition and they will tell you YES !


Excellent advice!! I agree 100%. NO good woman wants a jerk! Unfortunately, the guys that are jerks end up charming woman into relationships (pretending to be something they are not) and than suddenly you look up and realize he's a control freak with no integrity. Happens to the best of us I guess.

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"...it seems that balanced women are hard to find.."


Indeed, they are, -but that goes for both the sexes.





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The REAL truth is that we ALL are NOT perfect and plenty of us are f***ed up in some way ;ie not perfect ~ so wanting a perfectly balanced female with a great personality and awesome job is like wanting a perfectly balanced male with a great personality and awesome job .....Reality Check !


Yes ,there are great girls out there and some are slighty imperfect ~to major messed up~ but the best unions are those of two *imperfect* people ( AND yes thats YOU ) .


You can't expect perfection because you are NOT perfect either...


And this crappyola about being a JERK is soooooooooo OFF BASE !


We DON'T want a jerk but we dont want a SOFT SAP either. We want a GOOD GUY who is GOOD to US !


I know thats hard to conceive that you dont really have to be a JERK but seriously I wont put up with that crap and neither will any of the female posters here....Just ask them !


Ask them if they want a loud mouthed, rude, insolent, arrogant pri**k.....they will tell you NO.


Ask them if they want a whiney, feminine, no back bone ,unopinionated, wimp and they will tell you NO


But ask them if they want a great guy who treats them awesome who is stable in employment and disposition and they will tell you YES !


Then why is it that the *jerks* get the vast majority of female attention both here and IRL? :eek:

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Hi all,


I just need some advice on where to find nice girls, besides at work. Sometimes it seems that balanced women are hard to find. I don't need a supermodel, or nobel prize winner, or a trillionnaire but just someone who's not too messed up.


It just that sometimes you hear women say that all the good men are taken. Sometimes I feel like all the good women are taken, so the trick must be in matching these two groups.


Care to share your secrets?


You may wanna check out a sanctuary for *good* and *nice* women cuz that's where they would all most likely be found. They seem to be an endangered species these days. :)

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Then why is it that the *jerks* get the vast majority of female attention both here and IRL? :eek:


Because the non-jerks are too busy reading their PMs to post?


I don't think jerks get more attention than non jerks here. Anyway, there are probably 100 different views as to who is a jerk and why. One person's jerk is another person's perk...or something like that.

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I don't think jerks get more attention than non jerks here.


I take it that that's an objective observation, right? :rolleyes:

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ddnnee: " Smart playas who knows this and tune into the girl's wants and bingo, they got pussy faster than the average quiet dude."


I know that it seems that girls, (at least the ones you're looking at) are attracted to the guys who come off as major jerks.


I've thought about this, myself, and I think it may be that they become attracted to these types (jerks) because they are the closest match to the confidence they are actually looking for in a guy, -however mistaken they are about that.


Or maybe it's because they are just overdoing it in looking for excitement, -or need the attention from everyone by having a boyfriend who is 'over the top'.


To watch these 'jerks' get the girls, I know, must be infuriating.


And we all know what the common outcome is: a total drama, and failure.


These are just examples of bad choices that happen often, -not what most women are truly, generally, looking for.


Basically, what we (or maybe, it's just me), happens to be looking for, is someone who can react appropriately to the circumstances at hand, as they unfold.


That means in life, in love, in the future, -and that we never have to worry much about whether or not his head is screwed on right, or whether he has human compassion.


There's no one exact formula that works for the whole world population, but I do believe the formula for most of us is found somewhere in the middle of the two extremes that have been discussed in the posts, already: between the extremely 'sappy' guy, and the aggressive freak.


Somewhere in the middle lies the right person for nearly everyone.


I leave the 'nearly' in , -just in case there's someone who truly looks for the drama and excitement of the utter extreme.



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I take it that that's an objective observation, right? :rolleyes:


:laugh: I think most of us are jerks some of the time. Some men will get attention for making anti-female comments. That's inevitable...lots of people enjoy a squabble. Other men get attention here for making comments that are supportive towards women. All in all, though, the amount of attention people get here is probably related to how much popular appeal their posting style has.

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I know that it seems that girls, (at least the ones you're looking at) are attracted to the guys who come off as major jerks.


I've thought about this, myself, and I think it may be that they become attracted to these types (jerks) because they are the closest match to the confidence they are actually looking for in a guy, -however mistaken they are about that.


Or maybe it's because they are just overdoing it in looking for excitement, -or need the attention from everyone by having a boyfriend who is 'over the top'.


To watch these 'jerks' get the girls, I know, must be infuriating.


And we all know what the common outcome is: a total drama, and failure.


These are just examples of bad choices that happen often, -not what most women are truly, generally, looking for.


Basically, what we (or maybe, it's just me), happens to be looking for, is someone who can react appropriately to the circumstances at hand, as they unfold.


That means in life, in love, in the future, -and that we never have to worry much about whether or not his head is screwed on right, or whether he has human compassion.


There's no one exact formula that works for the whole world population, but I do believe the formula for most of us is found somewhere in the middle of the two extremes that have been discussed in the posts, already: between the extremely 'sappy' guy, and the aggressive freak.


Somewhere in the middle lies the right person for nearly everyone.


I leave the 'nearly' in , -just in case there's someone who truly looks for the drama and excitement of the utter extreme.




So why isn't there any *evolution* - why don't women learn from their *elders* that doing those things is dumb therefore you shouldn't do them? Why do women continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again if they TRULY do not want the *jerky drama*?


See... I just don't buy what women SAY about not wanting *jerky bad boys*... actions speak much louder. :)

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All in all, though, the amount of attention people get here is probably related to how much popular appeal their posting style has.


Oh, so it's a *popularity* thing. All right, I get it, if you want the attention you have to have a certain *style* and be *with it* and *all that*, right? So anyone who is *outside the box* in popularity terms is automatically deemed a *loser* somehow?


Thanks for clarifying it for me. :)

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It's your choice whether to 'buy' anything, -or not.


Those are personal decisions based on your own evolution in perspective, so far.


When I don't understand something, no matter how hard I've tried, I step away from it for awhile, live a little life in between, and then come back to it, later.


Normally, I wind up seeing it differently,-and can even smile a little at the maturity I've learned about the whole thing: it suddenly looks like a 'small' thing, -and I find it doesn't bother me as much.


This thing with girls being attracted to jerks is an issue for you, right now.


Understand what you can about it, and let the rest just 'hang' for awhile, -take your focus off it.


When you come back to it, it still is probably going to be happening, -but, I guarantee, it'll look less significant each time you do that.


Take care.



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Oh, so it's a *popularity* thing. All right, I get it, if you want the attention you have to have a certain *style* and be *with it* and *all that*, right? So anyone who is *outside the box* in popularity terms is automatically deemed a *loser* somehow?


Thanks for clarifying it for me. :)


JK Rowling outsells Louis de Bernières. That doesn't mean Louis de Bernières is a loser, but JK Rowling's books are easier to read and will therefore appeal to a wider audience.


The fact that someone might be popular needn't, in itself, a reason to either worship them or dislike them.

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The fact that someone might be popular needn't, in itself, a reason to *** dislike them.


Sure it is... for someone who is *terminally unpopular*. :)

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It's your choice whether to 'buy' anything, -or not.


Those are personal decisions based on your own evolution in perspective, so far.


When I don't understand something, no matter how hard I've tried, I step away from it for awhile, live a little life in between, and then come back to it, later.


Normally, I wind up seeing it differently,-and can even smile a little at the maturity I've learned about the whole thing: it suddenly looks like a 'small' thing, -and I find it doesn't bother me as much.


This thing with girls being attracted to jerks is an issue for you, right now.


Understand what you can about it, and let the rest just 'hang' for awhile, -take your focus off it.


When you come back to it, it still is probably going to be happening, -but, I guarantee, it'll look less significant each time you do that.


Take care.




Oh, I've quit attempting to *understand* this lunacy. Hell, I gave up on approaching people for anything other than purely *business* reasons so none of this really matters any more.


I am in a relationship but if it ends that will be it. No more. :)

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The REAL truth is that we ALL are NOT perfect and plenty of us are f***ed up in some way ;ie not perfect ~ so wanting a perfectly balanced female with a great personality and awesome job is like wanting a perfectly balanced male with a great personality and awesome job .....Reality Check !


Yes ,there are great girls out there and some are slighty imperfect ~to major messed up~ but the best unions are those of two *imperfect* people ( AND yes thats YOU ) .


You can't expect perfection because you are NOT perfect either...


And this crappyola about being a JERK is soooooooooo OFF BASE !


We DON'T want a jerk but we dont want a SOFT SAP either. We want a GOOD GUY who is GOOD to US !


I know thats hard to conceive that you dont really have to be a JERK but seriously I wont put up with that crap and neither will any of the female posters here....Just ask them !


Ask them if they want a loud mouthed, rude, insolent, arrogant pri**k.....they will tell you NO.


Ask them if they want a whiney, feminine, no back bone ,unopinionated, wimp and they will tell you NO


But ask them if they want a great guy who treats them awesome who is stable in employment and disposition and they will tell you YES !



Amen to Mary!


Have you tried meeting decent girls in . . . oh, I dunno, say, church?


Frankly, I'm finding it hard to put some of the guys with their crapola responses in the nice guys category.


If you want nice, ya gotta be nice.


If you want chattle, try sheep.

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Frankly, I'm finding it hard to put some of the guys with their crapola responses in the nice guys category.


You mean like this one...?


just focus on that, get ur degree and pump $. Then go to foreign countries and get urself a nice/cute girl. Screw USA girls. FAT AS f***, UGLY as hell... oh ya and they are stuck up because they were taught the ways of being a bitch or feminazi.


Calling all US woman-hating "nice guys" in the US. Lindya will be joining forces with other non US women to give you a European/Antipodean/Asian tour during which you can find your perfect woman. Most of our gentlemen have managed to find a wife in "I'll be your perfect woman until I've got my Green Card, then I'll divorce your ugly, misogynistic ass and take every penny I can" Land. :)


Sorry, no refunds.

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SmoochieFace: " Oh, I've quit attempting to *understand* this lunacy. Hell, I gave up on approaching people for anything other than purely *business* reasons so none of this really matters any more.


I am in a relationship but if it ends that will be it. No more."


Oh, I doubt that, Smoochieface, (Smile) -even your screen nick indicates you enjoy intimacy, -and the idea of love- far too much.


And that's one of the nicer things about you.



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lindya: hmmm you got a point. maybe u stick with them just long enuff but not long enuff for them to get a green card :p


Becumming: church is one of the worst places you can find chicks... or at least this is true in my area. Chicks go to church cuz they have to and to pick up guys. I think the best place to find chicks are rural areas, in the country side where there isn't too much competition. A girl would not pretty up to compete and their closest neighbor is a mile away. What do you think?

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Guess it all depends upon what you're looking for, doesn't it?


If you want an intellectual, bookstores are great. If you want artsy, community theatre or an art class. . . . You get the idea.


I'm trying to figure out how you meet a country gal--tractor pull? County fair--those are pretty cool.


It's been my experience that there are women everywhere, though, so I can't figure out how you can not meet them if that's what you really want. Grocery stores are a great place. Any volunteer activity you enjoy, adult ed classes.


But I think you've got to come up with a list of desirable characteristics and then try to figure out where such a woman would hang out.

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