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What are women really attracted to???

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If females could actually read the mind of a male= jealousy, most likely.


If males could read the mind of a female= stark raving fear, most likely.



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I think the blinder that many men experience is in projecting our feelings onto our partners. On some level we recognize something is "different" in our relationship probably not too long after our partners think there's a problem. Where does this recognition come from? Our "gut". But we make the mistake of letting our hearts rationalize it away by projecting our feelings onto them - "well she must be as head over heels in love with me as I am with her, so I must just be being too sensitive."


Usually our gut is right, though. The way to be more perceptive is to listen to our gut and do our best to not project our feelings (I've been guilty of it). Furthermore, as men we need to do something that is completely foreign to us - actually initiate conversations about where the relationship is at on a regular basis (every few months let's say). All this takes is saying from time to time, in a comfortable, non-threatening setting - "hey, how are you doing? i just want to make sure you feel as good as I do about where we're at." And then let them talk. Oftentimes all they need to do is talk, there's no "fix" needed (and don't offer a solution ever, btw, unless they ask a dozen times for one). And no, you're not a wuss-bag for bringing it up if you handle it correctly.


Lastly, we need to encourage them on a regular basis, by telling them, that the best way to communicate an issue with us is directly and early in a tactful/respectful manner, that we like and appreciate this kind of communication.

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If females could actually read the mind of a male= jealousy, most likely.

incorrect RIO, it should be:


read mind of a male = beer, football, women besides one he's with now



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OK, Alpha, here's the correction, then to my -er, error:


The football= jealousy, (because she's not getting attention)...*but she (meaning I) could just leave and go shopping, -great alternative for me, so I wind up not minding, at all.


The woman he's drooling over mentally= he's only getting himself worked up for nothing...she's dating someone else a zillion miles away and the magazine she's pictured in will be the closest he's ever going to get to her...he'll need privacy for the -er contact with her, so the shopping trip is OK with him, too.


The beer= she'll have one, too...when she's finished at the mall.


And the real truth about the football? I didn't really mind, in the first place...it was just an excuse to leave.


Hot wings, anyone?



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like I stated abouve if a man has big feet and hands he has big everything most of the time. a larger man will have a larger head, larger heart, larger arms, larger legs, larger feet and large cock (usually but not always)



YIKES ..... the thought of big breasts brings a whole new meaning huh... LOL, kidding, just kidding.

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