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It's kind of over


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Well, just want to thank the people who answered my posting.


Anyways the thing that I mostly worried about has happend. My girlfriend said that my insecurites is hurting our relationship and that I should think things over if I want this relationship to last! She says were not broken up but rather a chance to think things over and see that if I truly love her nothing should bother me what she does in her spare time. Especially with this particular guy or with other guys she goes out with. I feel so depressed right now that I can't think or eat. I love her too much but in a sense feel that I have to let go of her in order for me to feel better.


I really stressed right now and I'm whithering away. Please help me!

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insecurities??!!! did you grill the CRAP out of her about this, or did you simply question her a few times?? i could see her view on this if it was brought up in a "bad" way, but was that the case??


i still go back to my point before, how would SHE handle this situation??


if this is behavior that you find unacceptable from a partner, then you have 2 options -- LEARN to accept it, or DON'T!! when you find someone that truly cares about you and how you feel about things, this won't be an issue . . . this isn't that person.


as much as it SUCKS, sounds like it's time to move on.

Well, just want to thank the people who answered my posting. Anyways the thing that I mostly worried about has happend. My girlfriend said that my insecurites is hurting our relationship and that I should think things over if I want this relationship to last! She says were not broken up but rather a chance to think things over and see that if I truly love her nothing should bother me what she does in her spare time. Especially with this particular guy or with other guys she goes out with. I feel so depressed right now that I can't think or eat. I love her too much but in a sense feel that I have to let go of her in order for me to feel better. I really stressed right now and I'm whithering away. Please help me!
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Tell her its fine with you if she's willing to trust you spending alone time with other girls. Afterall, if she loves you, she'll trust you too, right? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. See how the fickel b**ch deals with the situation when you turn it around on her!


Then get some female friends...Lots of them!


OR...save yourself the trouble and the games, and just drop-kick her ayas out the door!!


Your being played.

Well, just want to thank the people who answered my posting. Anyways the thing that I mostly worried about has happend. My girlfriend said that my insecurites is hurting our relationship and that I should think things over if I want this relationship to last! She says were not broken up but rather a chance to think things over and see that if I truly love her nothing should bother me what she does in her spare time. Especially with this particular guy or with other guys she goes out with. I feel so depressed right now that I can't think or eat. I love her too much but in a sense feel that I have to let go of her in order for me to feel better. I really stressed right now and I'm whithering away. Please help me!
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