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walk away and consider her or just walk away...?

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Im pretty sure after talking to my friend, the best choice is to walk away.

I've done it in the past and have had good results.


I've been seeing her for 4 months. She blew me off with some busy crap a week ago and hadnt told me until today, when i had said a 'goodbye'. I dont know why but it seems every question she asks me, it seems like she's filtering my answers and judging what kind of guy i am. And i always feel like she's s*** testing me in some kind of way every so often...because she's the type that analyzes.


Finally met up with me today and gave me insight onto why she blew me off cause she was going through some crap...which i do believe. Breaking up with her bf (finally), and her claiming she met some guy who she can imagine marrying....only cause the age difference and he has the provider image...which i can tell she's the type of girl that wants a wealthy guy.


Sorry if i cant offer her what shyt she wants, as im the same age as as her and we're both college students...and the guy's age is half as twice as she is.

What made me sick was she was feeding me the crap she felt about the guy as she said she felt about me back awhile ago.


She blew me off which was disrespectful. And she only became nice and spoke to me naturally on the phone and agreed to meet up when i texted a goodbye.


Today she met up wearing nice clothes with makeup and nice earings with lip gloss, (as she normally did before she blew me off). However she was telling me she lost attraction for me caue of hte other guy, which i think is BS. Cause anywhere i went today she followed along, and wouldnt leave until i told her lets go. But i hate the fact knowing it was cause of me that other guy snatched her when she was vulnerable, because that week i neglected her and didnt show much interest/affection.


i hate to admit it but everything i know about her screams bytch. However we do have a lot in common. And i do like her company and want to be more than friends. I admit i cant be just friends with her any longer.


When i do give her an ultimatum, im going to do it in person to see her reaction. But knowing what kind of selfish bytch she is after her revealing everything to me about her....im not even sure if i would even want to be in a relationship with her. But what's also sad is that there is no one else im interested in at the moment except her...


im sick of being patient and tolerating her poor excuses and selfish attitude (however someitmes her giving attitude makes up for it). However i do want to tell her to her face that she's a spineless selfish bytch

Help me, im lost....

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What also awkwardly strikes me is she was using my name pretty often today. normally she rarely uses my name.

i hate the fact that she's lying to herself about her feelings for me....her body language/actions speaks more than her words ever could. told me today she thinks of me when she goes to areas in the city we went to.


im so damn confused....Either i play it cool and date other women or i give her an ultimatum.

But it feels like every time she pushes my buttons, trying to make me jealous by telling me this crap and giving me the friend line....it's like she secretly wants me to get mad and give her an ultimatum....she's always judging my reactions when she feeds me her crap.

She even anxiously asked me if i would come to her wedding....and i was like, "yea sure, i'll crash your wedding!"...again judging my reaction

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For me, been there done that, I ended up avoiding her, moving on. your mileage however, may vary.

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